Simple topic identification

machine learning



March 24, 2023

Simple topic identification

By using basic NLP models, you will be able to identify topics from any text you encounter in the wild. You will experiment and compare two simple methods: bag-of-words and Tf-idf using NLTK, as well as a new library called Gensim.

This Simple topic identification is part of Datacamp course: Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python You will learn the basics of natural language processing (NLP), such as how to identify and separate words, how to extract topics from a text, and how to construct your own fake news classifier. As part of this course, you will also learn how to use basic libraries such as NLTK as well as libraries that utilize deep learning to solve common NLP problems. The purpose of this course is to provide you with the foundation for processing and parsing text as you progress through your Python learning journey.

This is my learning experience of data science through DataCamp. These repository contributions are part of my learning journey through my graduate program masters of applied data sciences (MADS) at University Of Michigan, DeepLearning.AI, Coursera & DataCamp. You can find my similar articles & more stories at my medium & LinkedIn profile. I am available at kaggle & github blogs & github repos. Thank you for your motivation, support & valuable feedback.

These include projects, coursework & notebook which I learned through my data science journey. They are created for reproducible & future reference purpose only. All source code, slides or screenshot are intellactual property of respective content authors. If you find these contents beneficial, kindly consider learning subscription from DeepLearning.AI Subscription, Coursera, DataCamp

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize

Word counts with bag-of-words

  • Bag-of-words
    • Basic method for finding topics in a text
    • Need to first create tokens using tokenization
    • … and then count up all the tokens
    • The more frequent a word, the more important it might be
    • Can be a great way to determine the significant words in a text

Building a Counter with bag-of-words

In this exercise, you’ll build your first (in this course) bag-of-words counter using a Wikipedia article, which has been pre-loaded as article. Try doing the bag-of-words without looking at the full article text, and guessing what the topic is! If you’d like to peek at the title at the end, we’ve included it as article_title. Note that this article text has had very little preprocessing from the raw Wikipedia database entry.

with open('dataset/Wikipedia articles/wiki_text_debugging.txt', 'r') as file:
    article =
    article_title = word_tokenize(article)[2]
# Import Counter
from collections import Counter

# Tokenize the article: tokens
tokens = word_tokenize(article)

# Convert the tokens into lowercase: lower_tokens
lower_tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens]

# Create a Counter with the lowercase tokens: bow_simple
bow_simple = Counter(lower_tokens)

# Print the 10 most common tokens
[(',', 151), ('the', 150), ('.', 89), ('of', 81), ("''", 69), ('to', 63), ('a', 60), ('``', 47), ('in', 44), ('and', 41)]

Simple text preprocessing

  • preprocessing
    • Helps make for better input data
      • When performing machine learning or other statistical methods
    • Examples
      • Tokenization to create a bag of words
      • Lowercasing words
    • Lemmatization / Stemming
      • Shorten words to their root stems
    • Removing stop words, punctuation, or unwanted tokens

Text preprocessing practice

It is now your turn to apply the techniques you have learned to help clean up text for better NLP results by removing stop words and non-alphabetic characters, lemmatizing, and performing a new bag-of-words on your cleaned text.

import nltk'wordnet')
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\dghr201\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Downloading package omw-1.4 to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\dghr201\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
with open('dataset/english_stopwords.txt', 'r') as file:
    english_stops =
# Import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer

# Retain alphabetic words: alpha_only
alpha_only = [t for t in lower_tokens if t.isalpha()]

# Remove all stop words: no_stops
no_stops = [t for t in alpha_only if t not in english_stops]

# Instantiate the WordNetLemmatizer
wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()

# Lemmatize all tokens into a new list: lemmatized
lemmatized = [wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(t) for t in no_stops]

# Create the bag-of-words: bow
bow = Counter(lemmatized)

# Print the 10 most common tokens
[('debugging', 39), ('system', 25), ('bug', 17), ('software', 16), ('problem', 15), ('tool', 15), ('computer', 14), ('process', 13), ('term', 13), ('debugger', 13)]

Introduction to gensim

  • gensim
    • Popular open-source NLP library
    • Uses top academic models to perform complex tasks
      • Building document or word vectors
      • Performing topic identification and document comparison

Creating and querying a corpus with gensim

It’s time to apply the methods you learned in the previous video to create your first gensim dictionary and corpus!

You’ll use these data structures to investigate word trends and potential interesting topics in your document set. To get started, we have imported a few additional messy articles from Wikipedia, which were preprocessed by lowercasing all words, tokenizing them, and removing stop words and punctuation. These were then stored in a list of document tokens called articles. You’ll need to do some light preprocessing and then generate the gensim dictionary and corpus.

import glob

path_list = glob.glob('dataset/wikipedia_articles/*.txt')
articles = []
for article_path in path_list:
    article = []
    with open(article_path, encoding="utf-8") as file:
        a =
    tokens = word_tokenize(a)
    lower_tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens]

    # Retain alphabetic words: alpha_only
    alpha_only = [t for t in lower_tokens if t.isalpha()]

    # Remove all stop words: no_stops
    no_stops = [t for t in alpha_only if t not in english_stops]
[['report', 'mediawiki', 'error', 'wikipedia', 'see', 'wikipedia', 'bug', 'reports', 'mdy', 'software', 'development', 'process', 'bug', 'error', 'flaw', 'failure', 'fault', 'technology', 'computer', 'program', 'software', 'causes', 'produce', 'incorrect', 'unexpected', 'result', 'behave', 'unintended', 'ways', 'bugs', 'arise', 'mistakes', 'errors', 'made', 'either', 'program', 'source', 'code', 'software', 'components', 'operating', 'systems', 'used', 'programs', 'caused', 'compilers', 'producing', 'incorrect', 'code', 'program', 'contains', 'large', 'number', 'bugs', 'bugs', 'seriously', 'interfere', 'functionality', 'said', 'buggy', 'defective', 'bugs', 'trigger', 'errors', 'may', 'ripple', 'effects', 'bugs', 'may', 'subtle', 'effects', 'program', 'crash', 'computing', 'freeze', 'computing', 'computer', 'others', 'qualify', 'security', 'bugs', 'example', 'enable', 'black', 'user', 'bypass', 'access', 'controls', 'order', 'privilege', 'unauthorized', 'privileges', 'bugs', 'code', 'controls', 'radiation', 'therapy', 'machine', 'directly', 'responsible', 'patient', 'deaths', 'european', 'space', 'agency', 'nbsp', 'billion', 'ariane', 'flight', 'ariane', 'rocket', 'destroyed', 'less', 'minute', 'launch', 'due', 'bug', 'guidance', 'computer', 'program', 'june', 'royal', 'air', 'force', 'helicopter', 'scotland', 'raf', 'chinook', 'mull', 'kintyre', 'killing', 'initially', 'dismissed', 'pilot', 'error', 'investigation', 'computer', 'weekly', 'convinced', 'house', 'lords', 'inquiry', 'may', 'caused', 'software', 'bug', 'aircraft', 'control', 'computer', 'cite', 'simon', 'rogerson', 'chinook', 'helicopter', 'disaster', 'study', 'commissioned', 'department', 'commerce', 'national', 'institute', 'standards', 'technology', 'concluded', 'software', 'bugs', 'errors', 'prevalent', 'detrimental', 'cost', 'economy', 'estimated', 'nbsp', 'billion', 'annually', 'percent', 'gross', 'domestic', 'product', 'cite', 'bugs', 'cost', 'economy', 'dear', 'etymology', 'term', 'bug', 'describe', 'defects', 'part', 'engineering', 'jargon', 'many', 'decades', 'predates', 'computers', 'computer', 'software', 'may', 'originally', 'used', 'hardware', 'engineering', 'describe', 'mechanical', 'malfunctions', 'instance', 'thomas', 'edison', 'wrote', 'following', 'words', 'letter', 'associate', 'inventions', 'first', 'step', 'intuition', 'comes', 'burst', 'difficulties', 'thing', 'gives', 'bugs', 'little', 'faults', 'difficulties', 'months', 'intense', 'watching', 'study', 'labor', 'requisite', 'commercial', 'success', 'failure', 'certainly', 'ref', 'edison', 'puskas', 'november', 'edison', 'papers', 'edison', 'national', 'laboratory', 'national', 'park', 'service', 'west', 'orange', 'cited', 'cite', 'parke', 'genesis', 'century', 'invention', 'technological', 'enthusiasm', 'google', 'books', 'middle', 'english', 'word', 'wikt', 'bugge', 'basis', 'terms', 'wikt', 'bugbear', 'wikt', 'terms', 'used', 'monster', 'cite', 'machine', 'debugging', 'origins', 'baffle', 'ball', 'first', 'mechanical', 'pinball', 'game', 'advertised', 'free', 'bugs', 'ref', 'baffle', 'ball', 'cite', 'web', 'ball', 'pinball', 'database', 'see', 'image', 'advertisement', 'reference', 'entry', 'problems', 'military', 'gear', 'world', 'war', 'ii', 'referred', 'bugs', 'glitches', 'ref', 'cite', 'news', 'q', 'aircraft', 'carriers', 'result', 'years', 'smart', 'experimentation', 'book', 'published', 'louise', 'dickinson', 'rich', 'speaking', 'powered', 'ice', 'cutting', 'machine', 'said', 'ice', 'sawing', 'suspended', 'creator', 'brought', 'take', 'bugs', 'darling', 'ref', 'citation', 'rich', 'took', 'woods', 'lippincott', 'isaac', 'asimov', 'uses', 'term', 'bug', 'relate', 'issues', 'robot', 'short', 'story', 'catch', 'rabbit', 'published', 'included', 'collection', 'short', 'stories', 'robot', 'page', 'catch', 'rabbit', 'robots', 'get', 'bugs', 'multiple', 'robot', 'plenty', 'bugs', 'always', 'least', 'half', 'dozen', 'bugs', 'left', 'file', 'page', 'harvard', 'mark', 'ii', 'electromechanical', 'computer', 'log', 'featuring', 'dead', 'moth', 'removed', 'device', 'term', 'bug', 'used', 'account', 'computer', 'pioneer', 'grace', 'hopper', 'publicized', 'malfunction', 'early', 'electromechanical', 'computer', 'comprehensive', 'assessment', 'nrt', 'test', 'typical', 'version', 'story', 'hopper', 'released', 'active', 'duty', 'joined', 'harvard', 'faculty', 'computation', 'laboratory', 'continued', 'work', 'harvard', 'mark', 'ii', 'harvard', 'mark', 'iii', 'operators', 'traced', 'error', 'mark', 'ii', 'moth', 'trapped', 'relay', 'coining', 'term', 'bug', 'bug', 'carefully', 'removed', 'taped', 'log', 'book', 'stemming', 'first', 'bug', 'today', 'call', 'errors', 'glitches', 'program', 'bug', 'cite', 'web', 'sharron', 'ann', 'rear', 'admiral', 'grace', 'murray', 'hopper', 'hopper', 'find', 'bug', 'readily', 'acknowledged', 'date', 'log', 'book', 'september', 'http', 'bug', 'jargon', 'file', 'retrieved', 'june', 'ref', 'http', 'log', 'book', 'computer', 'bug', 'national', 'museum', 'american', 'history', 'smithsonian', 'institution', 'https', 'first', 'computer', 'bug', 'naval', 'historical', 'center', 'note', 'harvard', 'mark', 'ii', 'computer', 'complete', 'summer', 'operators', 'found', 'including', 'william', 'bill', 'burke', 'later', 'naval', 'surface', 'warfare', 'center', 'dahlgren', 'weapons', 'laboratory', 'dahlgren', 'virginia', 'ieee', 'annals', 'history', 'computing', 'vol', 'issue', 'familiar', 'engineering', 'term', 'amusedly', 'kept', 'insect', 'notation', 'first', 'actual', 'case', 'bug', 'found', 'hopper', 'loved', 'recount', 'story', 'cite', 'huggins', 'computer', 'bug', 'log', 'book', 'complete', 'attached', 'moth', 'part', 'collection', 'smithsonian', 'national', 'museum', 'american', 'ref', 'related', 'term', 'debug', 'also', 'appears', 'predate', 'usage', 'computing', 'oxford', 'english', 'dictionary', 'etymology', 'word', 'contains', 'attestation', 'context', 'aircraft', 'engines', 'journal', 'royal', 'aeronautical', 'society', 'ranged', 'stage', 'type', 'test', 'flight', 'test', 'history', 'concept', 'software', 'contain', 'errors', 'dates', 'back', 'ada', 'byron', 'notes', 'analytical', 'lovelace', 'notes', 'analytical', 'engine', 'speaks', 'possibility', 'program', 'cards', 'charles', 'babbage', 'analytical', 'engine', 'erroneous', 'nbsp', 'analysing', 'process', 'equally', 'performed', 'order', 'furnish', 'analytical', 'engine', 'necessary', 'operative', 'data', 'herein', 'may', 'also', 'lie', 'possible', 'source', 'error', 'granted', 'actual', 'mechanism', 'unerring', 'processes', 'cards', 'may', 'give', 'wrong', 'orders', 'bugs', 'system', 'report', 'open', 'technology', 'institute', 'run', 'group', 'new', 'america', 'ref', 'cite', 'policy', 'released', 'report', 'bugs', 'system', 'august', 'stating', 'policymakers', 'make', 'reforms', 'help', 'researchers', 'identify', 'address', 'software', 'bugs', 'report', 'highlights', 'reform', 'field', 'software', 'vulnerability', 'discovery', 'disclosure', 'ref', 'cite', 'reforms', 'needed', 'strengthen', 'software', 'bug', 'discovery', 'disclosure', 'new', 'america', 'report', 'homeland', 'preparedness', 'one', 'report', 'authors', 'said', 'congress', 'done', 'enough', 'address', 'cyber', 'software', 'vulnerability', 'even', 'though', 'congress', 'passed', 'number', 'bills', 'combat', 'larger', 'issue', 'cyber', 'ref', 'government', 'researchers', 'companies', 'cyber', 'security', 'experts', 'people', 'typically', 'discover', 'software', 'flaws', 'report', 'calls', 'reforming', 'computer', 'crime', 'copyright', 'ref', 'blockquote', 'computer', 'fraud', 'abuse', 'act', 'digital', 'millennium', 'copyright', 'act', 'electronic', 'communications', 'privacy', 'act', 'criminalize', 'create', 'civil', 'penalties', 'actions', 'security', 'researchers', 'routinely', 'engage', 'conducting', 'legitimate', 'security', 'research', 'report', 'said', 'ref', 'terminology', 'ongoing', 'debate', 'term', 'bug', 'describe', 'software', 'errors', 'one', 'argument', 'word', 'bug', 'divorced', 'sense', 'human', 'caused', 'problem', 'instead', 'implies', 'defect', 'arose', 'leading', 'push', 'abandon', 'term', 'bug', 'favor', 'terms', 'defect', 'limited', 'success', 'cite', 'sei', 'since', 'gary', 'kildall', 'somewhat', 'humorously', 'suggested', 'term', 'blunder', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'words', 'gary', 'kildall', 'people', 'history', 'museum', 'ref', 'cite', 'paper', 'connections', 'people', 'places', 'events', 'evolution', 'personal', 'computer', 'industry', 'arlen', 'kildall', 'kildall', 'family', 'part', 'https', 'http', 'software', 'engineering', 'mistake', 'metamorphism', 'greek', 'meta', 'change', 'morph', 'form', 'refers', 'evolution', 'defect', 'final', 'stage', 'software', 'deployment', 'transformation', 'mistake', 'committed', 'analyst', 'early', 'stages', 'software', 'development', 'lifecycle', 'leads', 'defect', 'final', 'stage', 'cycle', 'called', 'ref', 'metamorph', 'cite', 'journal', 'testing', 'subscription', 'required', 'different', 'stages', 'mistake', 'entire', 'cycle', 'may', 'described', 'mistakes', 'anomalies', 'faults', 'failures', 'errors', 'exceptions', 'crashes', 'bugs', 'defects', 'incidents', 'side', 'effects', 'ref', 'metamorph', 'prevention', 'software', 'industry', 'put', 'much', 'effort', 'reducing', 'bug', 'counts', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'huizinga', 'first', 'dorota', 'adam', 'title', 'automated', 'defect', 'prevention', 'best', 'practices', 'software', 'management', 'url', 'http', 'year', 'computer', 'society', 'press', 'page', 'isbn', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'first', 'marc', 'robert', 'ross', 'title', 'practical', 'guide', 'defect', 'prevention', 'url', 'http', 'https', 'yes', 'year', 'press', 'page', 'isbn', 'include', 'typographical', 'errors', 'bugs', 'usually', 'appear', 'programmer', 'makes', 'logic', 'error', 'various', 'innovations', 'programming', 'style', 'defensive', 'programming', 'designed', 'make', 'bugs', 'less', 'likely', 'easier', 'spot', 'typos', 'especially', 'symbols', 'mathematics', 'operators', 'allow', 'program', 'operate', 'incorrectly', 'others', 'missing', 'symbol', 'misspelled', 'name', 'may', 'prevent', 'program', 'operating', 'compiled', 'languages', 'reveal', 'typos', 'source', 'code', 'compiled', 'development', 'methodologies', 'several', 'schemes', 'assist', 'managing', 'programmer', 'activity', 'fewer', 'bugs', 'produced', 'software', 'engineering', 'addresses', 'software', 'design', 'issues', 'well', 'applies', 'many', 'techniques', 'prevent', 'defects', 'example', 'formal', 'program', 'specifications', 'state', 'exact', 'behavior', 'programs', 'design', 'bugs', 'may', 'eliminated', 'unfortunately', 'formal', 'specifications', 'impractical', 'anything', 'shortest', 'programs', 'problems', 'combinatorial', 'explosion', 'nondeterministic', 'unit', 'testing', 'involves', 'writing', 'test', 'every', 'function', 'unit', 'program', 'perform', 'development', 'unit', 'tests', 'written', 'code', 'code', 'considered', 'complete', 'tests', 'complete', 'successfully', 'agile', 'software', 'development', 'involves', 'frequent', 'software', 'releases', 'relatively', 'small', 'changes', 'defects', 'revealed', 'user', 'feedback', 'open', 'source', 'development', 'allows', 'anyone', 'examine', 'source', 'code', 'school', 'thought', 'popularized', 'eric', 'raymond', 'linus', 'law', 'says', 'popular', 'software', 'chance', 'bugs', 'software', 'given', 'enough', 'eyeballs', 'bugs', 'shallow', 'http', 'release', 'early', 'release', 'often', 'eric', 'raymond', 'cathedral', 'bazaar', 'assertion', 'disputed', 'however', 'computer', 'security', 'specialist', 'elias', 'levy', 'wrote', 'easy', 'hide', 'vulnerabilities', 'complex', 'little', 'understood', 'undocumented', 'source', 'code', 'even', 'people', 'reviewing', 'code', 'mean', 'qualified', 'http', 'wide', 'open', 'source', 'elias', 'levy', 'securityfocus', 'april', 'example', 'actually', 'happening', 'accidentally', 'debian', 'openssl', 'openssl', 'vulnerability', 'debian', 'programming', 'language', 'support', 'programming', 'languages', 'include', 'features', 'help', 'prevent', 'bugs', 'static', 'type', 'systems', 'restricted', 'namespaces', 'modular', 'programming', 'example', 'programmer', 'writes', 'pseudocode', 'code', 'let', 'pi', 'three', 'bit', 'although', 'may', 'syntactically', 'correct', 'code', 'fails', 'type', 'check', 'compiled', 'languages', 'catch', 'without', 'run', 'program', 'interpreted', 'languages', 'catch', 'errors', 'runtime', 'languages', 'deliberate', 'exclude', 'features', 'easily', 'lead', 'bugs', 'expense', 'slower', 'performance', 'general', 'principle', 'almost', 'always', 'better', 'write', 'simpler', 'slower', 'code', 'inscrutable', 'code', 'runs', 'slightly', 'faster', 'especially', 'considering', 'maintenance', 'cost', 'substantial', 'example', 'java', 'programming', 'language', 'programming', 'language', 'support', 'pointer', 'computer', 'programming', 'arithmetic', 'implementations', 'languages', 'pascal', 'programming', 'language', 'scripting', 'languages', 'often', 'runtime', 'bounds', 'checking', 'arrays', 'least', 'debugging', 'build', 'code', 'analysis', 'tools', 'static', 'code', 'analysis', 'help', 'developers', 'inspecting', 'program', 'text', 'beyond', 'compiler', 'capabilities', 'spot', 'potential', 'problems', 'although', 'general', 'problem', 'finding', 'programming', 'errors', 'given', 'specification', 'solvable', 'see', 'halting', 'problem', 'tools', 'exploit', 'fact', 'human', 'programmers', 'tend', 'make', 'certain', 'kinds', 'simple', 'mistakes', 'often', 'writing', 'software', 'instrumentation', 'tools', 'monitor', 'performance', 'software', 'running', 'either', 'specifically', 'find', 'problems', 'bottleneck', 'engineering', 'give', 'assurance', 'correct', 'working', 'may', 'embedded', 'code', 'explicitly', 'perhaps', 'simple', 'statement', 'saying', 'code', 'print', 'provided', 'tools', 'often', 'surprise', 'find', 'time', 'taken', 'piece', 'code', 'removal', 'assumptions', 'code', 'rewritten', 'testing', 'software', 'testers', 'professionals', 'whose', 'primary', 'task', 'find', 'bugs', 'write', 'code', 'support', 'testing', 'projects', 'resources', 'may', 'spent', 'testing', 'developing', 'program', 'measurements', 'testing', 'provide', 'estimate', 'number', 'likely', 'bugs', 'remaining', 'becomes', 'reliable', 'longer', 'product', 'tested', 'developed', 'citation', 'debugging', 'file', 'classpath', 'typical', 'bug', 'history', 'gnu', 'classpath', 'project', 'data', 'new', 'bug', 'submitted', 'user', 'unconfirmed', 'reproduced', 'developer', 'confirmed', 'bug', 'confirmed', 'bugs', 'later', 'fixed', 'bugs', 'belonging', 'categories', 'unreproducible', 'fixed', 'etc', 'usually', 'minority', 'main', 'finding', 'fixing', 'bugs', 'debugging', 'major', 'part', 'computer', 'programming', 'maurice', 'wilkes', 'early', 'computing', 'pioneer', 'described', 'realization', 'late', 'much', 'rest', 'life', 'spent', 'finding', 'mistakes', 'maurice', 'wilkes', 'quotes', 'usually', 'difficult', 'part', 'debugging', 'finding', 'bug', 'found', 'correcting', 'usually', 'relatively', 'easy', 'programs', 'known', 'debuggers', 'help', 'programmers', 'locate', 'bugs', 'executing', 'code', 'line', 'line', 'watching', 'variable', 'values', 'features', 'observe', 'program', 'behavior', 'without', 'debugger', 'code', 'may', 'added', 'messages', 'values', 'may', 'written', 'console', 'window', 'log', 'file', 'trace', 'program', 'execution', 'show', 'values', 'however', 'even', 'aid', 'debugger', 'locating', 'bugs', 'something', 'art', 'uncommon', 'bug', 'one', 'section', 'program', 'failures', 'completely', 'different', 'section', 'citation', 'thus', 'making', 'especially', 'difficult', 'track', 'example', 'error', 'graphics', 'rendering', 'computer', 'graphics', 'routine', 'causing', 'file', 'routine', 'fail', 'apparently', 'unrelated', 'part', 'system', 'sometimes', 'bug', 'isolated', 'flaw', 'represents', 'error', 'thinking', 'planning', 'part', 'programmer', 'logic', 'errors', 'require', 'section', 'program', 'overhauled', 'rewritten', 'part', 'code', 'review', 'stepping', 'code', 'imagining', 'transcribing', 'execution', 'process', 'may', 'often', 'find', 'errors', 'without', 'ever', 'reproducing', 'bug', 'typically', 'first', 'step', 'locating', 'bug', 'reproduce', 'reliably', 'bug', 'reproducible', 'programmer', 'may', 'debugger', 'tool', 'reproducing', 'error', 'find', 'point', 'program', 'went', 'astray', 'bugs', 'revealed', 'inputs', 'may', 'difficult', 'programmer', 'one', 'radiation', 'machine', 'deaths', 'bug', 'specifically', 'race', 'condition', 'occurred', 'machine', 'operator', 'rapidly', 'entered', 'treatment', 'plan', 'took', 'days', 'practice', 'become', 'able', 'bug', 'manifest', 'testing', 'manufacturer', 'attempted', 'duplicate', 'bugs', 'may', 'disappear', 'program', 'run', 'debugger', 'heisenbugs', 'humorously', 'named', 'uncertainty', 'uncertainty', 'principle', 'since', 'particularly', 'following', 'ariane', 'flight', 'disaster', 'interest', 'automated', 'aids', 'debugging', 'rose', 'static', 'code', 'analysis', 'abstract', 'interpretation', 'citation', 'classes', 'bugs', 'nothing', 'code', 'faulty', 'documentation', 'hardware', 'may', 'lead', 'problems', 'system', 'even', 'though', 'code', 'matches', 'documentation', 'cases', 'changes', 'code', 'eliminate', 'problem', 'even', 'though', 'code', 'longer', 'matches', 'documentation', 'embedded', 'systems', 'frequently', 'around', 'hardware', 'bugs', 'since', 'make', 'new', 'version', 'much', 'cheaper', 'remanufacturing', 'hardware', 'especially', 'commodity', 'items', 'bug', 'management', 'bug', 'management', 'includes', 'process', 'documenting', 'categorizing', 'assigning', 'reproducing', 'correcting', 'releasing', 'corrected', 'code', 'proposed', 'changes', 'software', 'nbsp', 'bugs', 'well', 'enhancement', 'requests', 'even', 'entire', 'releases', 'nbsp', 'commonly', 'tracked', 'managed', 'using', 'bug', 'tracking', 'systems', 'issue', 'tracking', 'systems', 'items', 'added', 'may', 'called', 'defects', 'tickets', 'issues', 'following', 'agile', 'development', 'paradigm', 'stories', 'epics', 'categories', 'may', 'objective', 'subjective', 'combination', 'version', 'number', 'area', 'software', 'severity', 'priority', 'well', 'type', 'issue', 'feature', 'request', 'bug', 'severity', 'severity', 'impact', 'bug', 'system', 'operation', 'impact', 'may', 'data', 'loss', 'financial', 'loss', 'goodwill', 'wasted', 'effort', 'severity', 'levels', 'standardized', 'impacts', 'differ', 'across', 'industry', 'crash', 'video', 'game', 'totally', 'different', 'impact', 'crash', 'web', 'browser', 'real', 'time', 'monitoring', 'system', 'example', 'bug', 'severity', 'levels', 'crash', 'hang', 'workaround', 'meaning', 'way', 'customer', 'accomplish', 'given', 'task', 'workaround', 'meaning', 'user', 'still', 'accomplish', 'task', 'visual', 'defect', 'example', 'missing', 'image', 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'catalogue', 'exhibition', 'institute', 'history', 'science', 'johann', 'wolfgang', 'goethe', 'university', 'frankfurt', 'germany', 'frankfurt', 'book', 'fair', 'charette', 'archaeology', 'high', 'tech', 'ancient', 'greece', 'nature', 'november', 'http', 'invented', 'abi', 'bakr', 'isfahan', 'persia', 'cite', 'universe', 'astrarium', 'giovanni', 'american', 'philosophical', 'abū', 'rayhān', 'invented', 'first', 'mechanical', 'geared', 'lunisolar', 'calendar', 'astrolabe', 'cite', 'solla', 'history', 'calculating', 'early', 'knowledge', 'processing', 'machine', 'ref', 'cite', 'computer', 'information', 'sciences', 'abacus', 'holonic', 'elec', 'gear', 'train', 'donald', 'routledge', 'hill', 'mechanical', 'calendar', 'annals', 'science', 'circa', 'sector', 'instrument', 'calculating', 'instrument', 'used', 'solving', 'problems', 'proportion', 'trigonometry', 'multiplication', 'division', 'various', 'functions', 'squares', 'cube', 'roots', 'developed', 'late', 'century', 'found', 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'holding', 'quill', 'pen', 'switching', 'number', 'order', 'internal', 'wheels', 'different', 'letters', 'hence', 'different', 'messages', 'produced', 'effect', 'mechanically', 'programmed', 'read', 'instructions', 'along', 'two', 'complex', 'machines', 'doll', 'musée', 'neuchâtel', 'switzerland', 'still', 'operates', 'cite', 'writer', 'automaton', 'july', 'machine', 'invented', 'william', 'thomson', 'baron', 'william', 'thomson', 'great', 'utility', 'navigation', 'shallow', 'waters', 'used', 'system', 'pulleys', 'wires', 'automatically', 'calculate', 'predicted', 'tide', 'levels', 'set', 'period', 'particular', 'location', 'differential', 'analyser', 'mechanical', 'analog', 'computer', 'designed', 'solve', 'differential', 'equations', 'used', 'mechanisms', 'perform', 'integration', 'james', 'thomson', 'engineer', 'kelvin', 'already', 'discussed', 'possible', 'construction', 'calculators', 'stymied', 'limited', 'output', 'torque', 'ref', 'ray', 'girvan', 'http', 'revealed', 'grace', 'mechanism', 'computing', 'babbage', 'webarchive', 'november', 'scientific', 'computing', 'world', 'differential', 'analyzer', 'output', 'one', 'integrator', 'drove', 'input', 'next', 'integrator', 'graphing', 'output', 'torque', 'amplifier', 'advance', 'allowed', 'machines', 'work', 'starting', 'vannevar', 'bush', 'others', 'developed', 'mechanical', 'differential', 'analyzers', 'computing', 'file', 'difference', 'engine', 'plate', 'portion', 'charles', 'difference', 'engine', 'charles', 'babbage', 'english', 'mechanical', 'engineer', 'polymath', 'originated', 'concept', 'programmable', 'computer', 'considered', 'computer', 'computer', 'cite', 'book', 'daniel', 'stephen', 'title', 'charles', 'babbage', 'father', 'computer', 'year', 'press', 'isbn', 'conceptualized', 'invented', 'first', 'mechanical', 'computer', 'early', 'century', 'working', 'revolutionary', 'difference', 'engine', 'designed', 'aid', 'navigational', 'calculations', 'realized', 'much', 'general', 'design', 'analytical', 'engine', 'possible', 'input', 'programs', 'data', 'provided', 'machine', 'via', 'punched', 'cards', 'method', 'used', 'time', 'direct', 'mechanical', 'looms', 'jacquard', 'loom', 'output', 'machine', 'printer', 'curve', 'plotter', 'bell', 'machine', 'also', 'able', 'punch', 'numbers', 'onto', 'cards', 'read', 'later', 'engine', 'incorporated', 'arithmetic', 'logic', 'unit', 'control', 'flow', 'form', 'conditional', 'branching', 'program', 'loop', 'integrated', 'computer', 'making', 'first', 'design', 'computer', 'described', 'modern', 'terms', 'ref', 'babbageonline', 'cite', 'cite', 'build', 'babbage', 'ultimate', 'mechanical', 'december', 'machine', 'century', 'ahead', 'time', 'parts', 'machine', 'made', 'hand', 'nbsp', 'major', 'problem', 'device', 'thousands', 'parts', 'eventually', 'project', 'dissolved', 'decision', 'british', 'government', 'cease', 'funding', 'babbage', 'failure', 'complete', 'analytical', 'engine', 'chiefly', 'attributed', 'difficulties', 'politics', 'financing', 'also', 'desire', 'develop', 'increasingly', 'sophisticated', 'computer', 'move', 'ahead', 'faster', 'anyone', 'else', 'follow', 'nevertheless', 'son', 'henry', 'babbage', 'completed', 'simplified', 'version', 'analytical', 'engine', 'computing', 'unit', 'mill', 'gave', 'successful', 'demonstration', 'computing', 'tables', 'thomson', 'baron', 'william', 'thomson', 'third', 'machine', 'design', 'first', 'half', 'century', 'many', 'scientific', 'computing', 'needs', 'met', 'increasingly', 'sophisticated', 'analog', 'computers', 'used', 'direct', 'mechanical', 'electrical', 'model', 'problem', 'basis', 'computation', 'however', 'programmable', 'generally', 'lacked', 'versatility', 'accuracy', 'modern', 'digital', 'ref', 'stanf', 'cite', 'encyclopedia', 'modern', 'history', 'computing', 'first', 'modern', 'analog', 'computer', 'machine', 'invented', 'william', 'thomson', 'baron', 'william', 'thomson', 'differential', 'analyser', 'mechanical', 'analog', 'computer', 'designed', 'solve', 'differential', 'equations', 'integration', 'using', 'mechanisms', 'conceptualized', 'james', 'thomson', 'engineer', 'thomson', 'brother', 'famous', 'lord', 'ref', 'art', 'mechanical', 'analog', 'computing', 'reached', 'zenith', 'differential', 'analyzer', 'built', 'hazen', 'vannevar', 'bush', 'mit', 'starting', 'built', 'mechanical', 'integrators', 'james', 'thomson', 'engineer', 'thomson', 'torque', 'amplifiers', 'invented', 'nieman', 'dozen', 'devices', 'built', 'obsolescence', 'became', 'obvious', 'success', 'digital', 'electronic', 'computers', 'spelled', 'end', 'analog', 'computing', 'machines', 'analog', 'computers', 'remained', 'specialized', 'applications', 'education', 'control', 'systems', 'aircraft', 'slide', 'rule', 'electromechanical', 'united', 'states', 'navy', 'developed', 'electromechanical', 'analog', 'computer', 'small', 'enough', 'aboard', 'submarine', 'torpedo', 'data', 'computer', 'used', 'trigonometry', 'solve', 'problem', 'firing', 'torpedo', 'moving', 'target', 'world', 'war', 'ii', 'similar', 'devices', 'developed', 'countries', 'well', 'file', 'deutsches', 'konrad', 'computer', 'first', 'fully', 'automatic', 'digital', 'electromechanical', 'computer', 'early', 'digital', 'computers', 'electromechanical', 'electric', 'switches', 'drove', 'mechanical', 'relays', 'perform', 'calculation', 'devices', 'operating', 'speed', 'eventually', 'superseded', 'much', 'faster', 'computers', 'originally', 'using', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'computer', 'created', 'german', 'engineer', 'konrad', 'zuse', 'one', 'earliest', 'examples', 'electromechanical', 'relay', 'ref', 'part', 'zuse', 'cite', 'konrad', 'zuse', 'life', 'work', 'konrad', 'https', 'zuse', 'followed', 'earlier', 'machine', 'computer', 'world', 'first', 'working', 'electromechanical', 'computer', 'fully', 'automatic', 'digital', 'computer', 'computer', 'life', 'translated', 'mckenna', 'patricia', 'ross', 'andrew', 'computer', 'mein', 'lebenswerk', 'cite', 'computer', 'pioneer', 'rediscovered', 'years', 'new', 'york', 'built', 'relays', 'implementing', 'nbsp', 'bit', 'word', 'data', 'type', 'length', 'operated', 'clock', 'frequency', 'nbsp', 'cite', 'computer', 'mein', 'program', 'code', 'supplied', 'punched', 'data', 'stored', 'words', 'memory', 'supplied', 'keyboard', 'quite', 'similar', 'modern', 'machines', 'respects', 'pioneering', 'numerous', 'advances', 'floating', 'point', 'numbers', 'rather', 'decimal', 'system', 'used', 'charles', 'babbage', 'earlier', 'design', 'using', 'binary', 'numeral', 'system', 'meant', 'zuse', 'machines', 'easier', 'build', 'potentially', 'reliable', 'given', 'technologies', 'available', 'time', 'cite', 'web', 'story', 'zuse', 'turing', 'ref', 'cite', 'make', 'zuse', 'universal', 'computer', 'annals', 'history', 'computing', 'rojas', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'make', 'zuse', 'universal', 'computer', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'digital', 'electronic', 'circuits', 'purely', 'electronic', 'circuit', 'elements', 'soon', 'replaced', 'mechanical', 'electromechanical', 'equivalents', 'time', 'digital', 'calculation', 'replaced', 'analog', 'engineer', 'tommy', 'flowers', 'working', 'post', 'office', 'research', 'station', 'london', 'began', 'explore', 'possible', 'electronics', 'telephone', 'exchange', 'experimental', 'equipment', 'built', 'went', 'operation', 'five', 'years', 'later', 'converting', 'portion', 'telephone', 'exchange', 'network', 'electronic', 'data', 'processing', 'system', 'using', 'thousands', 'vacuum', 'ref', 'stanf', 'john', 'vincent', 'atanasoff', 'clifford', 'berry', 'iowa', 'state', 'university', 'developed', 'tested', 'computer', 'abc', 'january', 'notice', 'des', 'moines', 'register', 'first', 'automatic', 'electronic', 'digital', 'computer', 'cite', 'first', 'electronic', 'burks', 'design', 'also', 'used', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'capacitors', 'fixed', 'mechanically', 'rotating', 'drum', 'ref', 'secrets', 'bletchley', 'park', 'codebreaking', 'university', 'file', 'first', 'digital', 'computer', 'computing', 'device', 'used', 'break', 'german', 'ciphers', 'world', 'war', 'ii', 'world', 'war', 'ii', 'british', 'bletchley', 'park', 'achieved', 'number', 'successes', 'breaking', 'encrypted', 'german', 'military', 'communications', 'german', 'encryption', 'machine', 'enigma', 'machine', 'first', 'attacked', 'help', 'bombes', 'crack', 'sophisticated', 'german', 'lorenz', 'sz', 'machine', 'used', 'army', 'communications', 'max', 'newman', 'colleagues', 'commissioned', 'flowers', 'build', 'colossus', 'ref', 'spent', 'eleven', 'months', 'early', 'february', 'designing', 'building', 'first', 'colossus', 'news', 'february', 'october', 'functional', 'test', 'december', 'colossus', 'shipped', 'bletchley', 'park', 'delivered', 'january', 'ref', 'colossus', 'computer', 'cite', 'rebuild', 'national', 'museum', 'computing', 'attacked', 'first', 'message', 'ref', 'colossus', 'world', 'first', 'digital', 'computer', 'ref', 'stanf', 'used', 'large', 'number', 'valves', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'input', 'capable', 'configured', 'perform', 'variety', 'boolean', 'logical', 'operations', 'data', 'nine', 'mk', 'ii', 'colossi', 'built', 'mk', 'converted', 'mk', 'ii', 'making', 'ten', 'machines', 'total', 'colossus', 'mark', 'contained', 'thermionic', 'valves', 'tubes', 'mark', 'ii', 'valves', 'times', 'faster', 'simpler', 'operate', 'mark', 'greatly', 'speeding', 'decoding', 'process', 'allen', 'march', 'october', 'fensom', 'november', 'october', 'file', 'first', 'electronic', 'device', 'performed', 'ballistics', 'trajectory', 'calculations', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'eniacjohn', 'presper', 'eckert', 'john', 'mauchly', 'electronic', 'numerical', 'integrator', 'computer', 'united', 'states', 'patent', 'office', 'patent', 'filed', 'june', 'issued', 'february', 'invalidated', 'october', 'court', 'ruling', 'honeywell', 'sperry', 'rand', 'electronic', 'numerical', 'integrator', 'computer', 'first', 'electronic', 'programmable', 'computer', 'built', 'although', 'eniac', 'similar', 'colossus', 'much', 'faster', 'flexible', 'like', 'colossus', 'program', 'eniac', 'defined', 'states', 'patch', 'cables', 'switches', 'far', 'cry', 'stored', 'program', 'electronic', 'machines', 'came', 'later', 'program', 'written', 'mechanically', 'set', 'machine', 'manual', 'resetting', 'plugs', 'switches', 'combined', 'high', 'speed', 'electronics', 'ability', 'programmed', 'many', 'complex', 'problems', 'add', 'subtract', 'times', 'second', 'thousand', 'times', 'faster', 'machine', 'also', 'modules', 'multiply', 'divide', 'square', 'root', 'high', 'speed', 'memory', 'limited', 'words', 'bytes', 'built', 'direction', 'john', 'mauchly', 'presper', 'eckert', 'university', 'pennsylvania', 'eniac', 'development', 'construction', 'lasted', 'full', 'operation', 'end', 'machine', 'huge', 'weighing', 'tons', 'using', 'kilowatts', 'electric', 'power', 'contained', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'relays', 'hundreds', 'thousands', 'resistors', 'capacitors', 'ref', 'eniac', 'cite', 'concept', 'modern', 'computer', 'principle', 'modern', 'computer', 'proposed', 'alan', 'turing', 'seminal', 'paper', 'cite', 'computable', 'numbers', 'application', 'london', 'mathematical', 'computable', 'numbers', 'turing', 'proposed', 'simple', 'device', 'called', 'universal', 'computing', 'machine', 'known', 'universal', 'turing', 'machine', 'proved', 'machine', 'capable', 'computing', 'anything', 'computable', 'executing', 'instructions', 'program', 'stored', 'tape', 'allowing', 'machine', 'programmable', 'fundamental', 'concept', 'turing', 'design', 'stored', 'program', 'instructions', 'computing', 'stored', 'memory', 'john', 'von', 'neumann', 'acknowledged', 'central', 'concept', 'modern', 'computer', 'due', 'paper', 'von', 'neumann', 'nbsp', 'firmly', 'emphasized', 'others', 'sure', 'fundamental', 'conception', 'owing', 'anticipated', 'babbage', 'lovelace', 'others', 'letter', 'stanley', 'frankel', 'brian', 'randell', 'quoted', 'jack', 'copeland', 'essential', 'turing', 'turing', 'machines', 'day', 'central', 'object', 'study', 'theory', 'computation', 'except', 'limitations', 'imposed', 'finite', 'memory', 'stores', 'modern', 'computers', 'said', 'say', 'algorithm', 'execution', 'capability', 'equivalent', 'universal', 'turing', 'machine', 'stored', 'programs', 'file', 'ssem', 'manchester', 'museum', 'close', 'tall', 'racks', 'containing', 'electronic', 'circuit', 'section', 'manchester', 'experimental', 'machine', 'first', 'computer', 'early', 'computing', 'machines', 'fixed', 'programs', 'changing', 'function', 'required', 'ref', 'proposal', 'computer', 'changed', 'computer', 'includes', 'design', 'instruction', 'set', 'store', 'memory', 'set', 'instructions', 'computer', 'details', 'computation', 'theoretical', 'basis', 'computer', 'laid', 'alan', 'turing', 'paper', 'turing', 'joined', 'national', 'physical', 'laboratory', 'united', 'kingdom', 'physical', 'laboratory', 'began', 'work', 'developing', 'electronic', 'digital', 'computer', 'report', 'proposed', 'electronic', 'calculator', 'first', 'specification', 'device', 'john', 'von', 'neumann', 'university', 'pennsylvania', 'also', 'circulated', 'first', 'draft', 'report', 'edvac', 'ref', 'stanf', 'file', 'ferranti', 'mark', 'mark', 'manchester', 'experimental', 'machine', 'nicknamed', 'baby', 'world', 'first', 'computer', 'built', 'victoria', 'university', 'manchester', 'frederic', 'calland', 'williams', 'tom', 'kilburn', 'geoff', 'tootill', 'ran', 'first', 'program', 'nbsp', 'june', 'citation', 'golden', 'jubilee', 'computer', 'conservation', 'society', 'april', 'designed', 'testbed', 'williams', 'tube', 'first', 'digital', 'storage', 'device', 'computers', 'manchester', 'computer', 'conservation', 'july', 'although', 'computer', 'considered', 'small', 'primitive', 'standards', 'time', 'first', 'working', 'machine', 'contain', 'elements', 'essential', 'modern', 'electronic', 'computer', 'electronic', 'computers', 'november', 'soon', 'ssem', 'demonstrated', 'feasibility', 'design', 'project', 'initiated', 'university', 'develop', 'usable', 'computer', 'manchester', 'mark', 'mark', 'turn', 'quickly', 'became', 'prototype', 'ferranti', 'mark', 'world', 'first', 'commercially', 'available', 'ref', 'citation', 'mark', 'university', 'manchester', 'november', 'built', 'ferranti', 'delivered', 'university', 'manchester', 'february', 'least', 'seven', 'later', 'machines', 'delivered', 'one', 'royal', 'dutch', 'labs', 'amsterdam', 'conservation', 'conservation', 'computer', 'heritage', 'pilot', 'study', 'deliveries', 'ferranti', 'mark', 'mark', 'star', 'december', 'january', 'october', 'directors', 'british', 'catering', 'company', 'lyons', 'lyons', 'company', 'decided', 'take', 'active', 'role', 'promoting', 'commercial', 'development', 'computers', 'leo', 'computer', 'became', 'operational', 'april', 'cite', 'web', 'last', 'lavington', 'first', 'simon', 'title', 'brief', 'history', 'british', 'computers', 'first', 'years', 'publisher', 'british', 'computer', 'society', 'url', 'http', 'accessdate', 'january', 'ran', 'world', 'first', 'regular', 'routine', 'office', 'computer', 'job', 'software', 'transistors', 'second', 'generation', 'computers', 'redirects', 'file', 'bipolar', 'junction', 'transistor', 'bipolar', 'transistor', 'invented', 'onwards', 'transistors', 'replaced', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'computer', 'designs', 'giving', 'rise', 'second', 'generation', 'computers', 'compared', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'transistors', 'many', 'advantages', 'smaller', 'require', 'less', 'power', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'give', 'less', 'heat', 'silicon', 'junction', 'transistors', 'much', 'reliable', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'longer', 'indefinite', 'service', 'life', 'transistorized', 'computers', 'contain', 'tens', 'thousands', 'binary', 'logic', 'circuits', 'relatively', 'compact', 'space', 'university', 'manchester', 'team', 'leadership', 'tom', 'kilburn', 'designed', 'built', 'machine', 'using', 'newly', 'developed', 'transistors', 'instead', 'valves', 'history', 'manchester', 'british', 'computer', 'first', 'transistor', 'computer', 'first', 'world', 'manchester', 'computers', 'transistor', 'second', 'version', 'completed', 'april', 'however', 'machine', 'make', 'valves', 'generate', 'nbsp', 'khz', 'clock', 'waveforms', 'circuitry', 'read', 'write', 'magnetic', 'drum', 'memory', 'first', 'completely', 'transistorized', 'computer', 'distinction', 'goes', 'harwell', 'cadet', 'ref', 'citation', 'early', 'transistor', 'applications', 'uk', 'science', 'education', 'journal', 'london', 'june', 'subscription', 'required', 'built', 'electronics', 'division', 'atomic', 'energy', 'research', 'establishment', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'first', 'title', 'introduction', 'transistor', 'circuits', 'publisher', 'oliver', 'boyd', 'year', 'location', 'edinburgh', 'page', 'integrated', 'circuits', 'next', 'great', 'advance', 'computing', 'power', 'came', 'advent', 'integrated', 'circuit', 'idea', 'integrated', 'circuit', 'first', 'conceived', 'radar', 'scientist', 'working', 'royal', 'radar', 'establishment', 'ministry', 'defence', 'united', 'kingdom', 'defence', 'geoffrey', 'dummer', 'dummer', 'presented', 'first', 'public', 'description', 'integrated', 'circuit', 'symposium', 'progress', 'quality', 'electronic', 'components', 'washington', 'nbsp', 'may', 'http', 'hapless', 'tale', 'geoffrey', 'dummer', 'webarchive', 'may', 'html', 'electronic', 'product', 'news', 'accessed', 'july', 'first', 'practical', 'ics', 'invented', 'jack', 'kilby', 'texas', 'instruments', 'robert', 'noyce', 'fairchild', 'semiconductor', 'kilby', 'recorded', 'initial', 'ideas', 'concerning', 'integrated', 'circuit', 'july', 'successfully', 'demonstrating', 'first', 'working', 'integrated', 'example', 'september', 'ref', 'tijackbuilt', 'http', 'chip', 'jack', 'built', 'html', 'texas', 'instruments', 'retrieved', 'may', 'patent', 'application', 'february', 'kilby', 'described', 'new', 'device', 'body', 'semiconductor', 'material', 'nbsp', 'wherein', 'components', 'electronic', 'circuit', 'completely', 'integrated', 'kilby', 'miniaturized', 'electronic', 'circuits', 'united', 'states', 'patent', 'office', 'patent', 'filed', 'february', 'issued', 'june', 'cite', 'last', 'first', 'title', 'media', 'technology', 'society', 'history', 'telegraph', 'url', 'https', 'year', 'publisher', 'isbn', 'page', 'noyce', 'also', 'came', 'idea', 'integrated', 'circuit', 'half', 'year', 'later', 'noyce', 'unitary', 'circuit', 'ref', 'patent', 'structure', 'semiconductor', 'corporation', 'chip', 'solved', 'many', 'practical', 'problems', 'kilby', 'produced', 'fairchild', 'semiconductor', 'made', 'silicon', 'whereas', 'kilby', 'chip', 'made', 'germanium', 'new', 'development', 'heralded', 'explosion', 'commercial', 'personal', 'computers', 'led', 'invention', 'microprocessor', 'subject', 'exactly', 'device', 'first', 'microprocessor', 'contentious', 'partly', 'due', 'lack', 'agreement', 'exact', 'definition', 'term', 'microprocessor', 'largely', 'undisputed', 'first', 'microprocessor', 'intel', 'first', 'intel', 'may', 'designed', 'realized', 'marcian', 'hoff', 'federico', 'faggin', 'stanley', 'mazor', 'intel', 'die', 'nbsp', 'mm', 'sup', 'composed', 'transistors', 'comparison', 'pentium', 'pro', 'nbsp', 'mm', 'sup', 'composed', 'million', 'transistors', 'according', 'patterson', 'david', 'computer', 'organization', 'design', 'san', 'computers', 'become', 'continued', 'miniaturization', 'computing', 'resources', 'advancements', 'portable', 'battery', 'life', 'portable', 'computers', 'grew', 'popularity', 'cite', 'notebook', 'shipments', 'finally', 'overtake', 'developments', 'spurred', 'growth', 'laptop', 'computers', 'portable', 'computers', 'allowed', 'manufacturers', 'integrate', 'computing', 'resources', 'cellular', 'phones', 'smartphones', 'tablet', 'run', 'variety', 'operating', 'systems', 'become', 'dominant', 'computing', 'device', 'market', 'manufacturers', 'reporting', 'shipped', 'estimated', 'million', 'devices', 'cite', 'accelerates', 'worldwide', 'mobile', 'phone', 'smartphone', 'markets', 'second', 'quarter', 'according', 'july', 'june', 'types', 'computers', 'typically', 'classified', 'based', 'uses', 'analog', 'computer', 'digital', 'computer', 'hybrid', 'computer', 'smartphone', 'computer', 'personal', 'computer', 'laptop', 'minicomputer', 'mainframe', 'computer', 'computer', 'hardware', 'main', 'computer', 'processing', 'file', 'computer', 'demonstrating', 'standard', 'components', 'slimline', 'computer', 'term', 'hardware', 'covers', 'parts', 'computer', 'tangible', 'physical', 'objects', 'circuits', 'computer', 'chips', 'graphic', 'cards', 'sound', 'cards', 'memory', 'ram', 'motherboard', 'displays', 'power', 'supplies', 'cables', 'keyboards', 'printers', 'mice', 'input', 'devices', 'hardware', 'computing', 'main', 'computing', 'hardware', 'warning', 'please', 'careful', 'modifying', 'table', 'especially', 'familiar', 'wikipedia', 'table', 'syntax', 'make', 'judicious', 'preview', 'button', 'wikitable', 'first', 'generation', 'calculators', 'pascal', 'calculator', 'arithmometer', 'difference', 'engine', 'leonardo', 'torres', 'quevedo', 'analytical', 'analytical', 'machines', 'programmable', 'devices', 'jacquard', 'loom', 'analytical', 'engine', 'harvard', 'mark', 'mark', 'harvard', 'mark', 'ii', 'ibm', 'ssec', 'computer', 'computer', 'computer', 'second', 'generation', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'calculators', 'computer', 'ibm', 'remington', 'rand', 'remington', 'rand', 'list', 'vacuum', 'tube', 'devices', 'colossus', 'eniac', 'manchester', 'experimental', 'machine', 'electronic', 'delay', 'storage', 'automatic', 'manchester', 'mark', 'ferranti', 'pegasus', 'ferranti', 'mercury', 'csirac', 'edvac', 'univac', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'computer', 'third', 'generation', 'discrete', 'transistors', 'ssi', 'msi', 'lsi', 'integrated', 'circuits', 'mainframe', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'bunch', 'minicomputer', 'hp', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'linc', 'fourth', 'generation', 'vlsi', 'integrated', 'circuits', 'minicomputer', 'vax', 'ibm', 'system', 'microcomputer', 'intel', 'intel', 'microcomputer', 'intel', 'intel', 'motorola', 'motorola', 'technology', 'zilog', 'microcomputer', 'intel', 'zilog', 'wdc', 'microcomputer', 'intel', 'pentium', 'motorola', 'microcomputermost', 'major', 'instruction', 'set', 'architectures', 'extensions', 'earlier', 'designs', 'architectures', 'listed', 'table', 'except', 'alpha', 'existed', 'forms', 'incarnations', 'dec', 'mips', 'powerpc', 'sparc', 'embedded', 'computer', 'intel', 'intel', 'personal', 'computer', 'desktop', 'computer', 'home', 'computer', 'computer', 'personal', 'digital', 'assistant', 'pda', 'portable', 'computer', 'tablet', 'pc', 'wearable', 'computer', 'quantum', 'computer', 'chemical', 'computer', 'dna', 'computing', 'photonic', 'computer', 'based', 'computer', 'hardware', 'wikitable', 'device', 'input', 'mouse', 'computing', 'keyboard', 'computing', 'joystick', 'image', 'scanner', 'webcam', 'graphics', 'tablet', 'microphone', 'output', 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'conceptually', 'another', 'set', 'memory', 'cells', 'changed', 'calculations', 'done', 'alu', 'adding', 'program', 'counter', 'next', 'instruction', 'read', 'place', 'locations', 'program', 'instructions', 'modify', 'program', 'counter', 'often', 'known', 'jumps', 'allow', 'loops', 'instructions', 'repeated', 'computer', 'often', 'conditional', 'instruction', 'execution', 'examples', 'control', 'flow', 'sequence', 'operations', 'control', 'unit', 'goes', 'process', 'instruction', 'like', 'short', 'computer', 'program', 'indeed', 'complex', 'cpu', 'designs', 'another', 'yet', 'smaller', 'computer', 'called', 'microsequencer', 'runs', 'microcode', 'program', 'causes', 'events', 'happen', 'processing', 'unit', 'cpu', 'control', 'unit', 'alu', 'registers', 'collectively', 'known', 'central', 'processing', 'unit', 'cpu', 'early', 'cpus', 'composed', 'many', 'separate', 'components', 'since', 'cpus', 'typically', 'constructed', 'single', 'integrated', 'circuit', 'called', 'microprocessor', 'logic', 'unit', 'alu', 'main', 'logic', 'unit', 'alu', 'capable', 'performing', 'two', 'classes', 'operations', 'arithmetic', 'logic', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'complex', 'machine', 'survey', 'computers', 'computing', 'author', 'david', 'eck', 'publisher', 'k', 'peters', 'year', 'isbn', 'page', 'set', 'arithmetic', 'operations', 'particular', 'alu', 'supports', 'may', 'limited', 'addition', 'subtraction', 'include', 'multiplication', 'division', 'trigonometry', 'functions', 'sine', 'cosine', 'square', 'roots', 'operate', 'whole', 'numbers', 'integers', 'whilst', 'others', 'floating', 'point', 'represent', 'real', 'numbers', 'albeit', 'limited', 'precision', 'however', 'computer', 'capable', 'performing', 'simplest', 'operations', 'programmed', 'break', 'complex', 'operations', 'simple', 'steps', 'perform', 'therefore', 'computer', 'programmed', 'perform', 'arithmetic', 'take', 'time', 'alu', 'directly', 'support', 'operation', 'alu', 'may', 'also', 'compare', 'numbers', 'return', 'truth', 'truth', 'values', 'true', 'false', 'depending', 'whether', 'one', 'equal', 'greater', 'less', 'greater', 'logic', 'operations', 'involve', 'boolean', 'logic', 'logical', 'logical', 'exclusive', 'useful', 'creating', 'complicated', 'conditional', 'programming', 'statements', 'processing', 'boolean', 'logic', 'superscalar', 'computers', 'may', 'contain', 'multiple', 'alus', 'allowing', 'process', 'several', 'instructions', 'simultaneously', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'handbook', 'parallel', 'computing', 'statistics', 'author', 'erricos', 'john', 'kontoghiorghes', 'publisher', 'crc', 'press', 'year', 'isbn', 'page', 'graphics', 'processing', 'processors', 'computers', 'simd', 'mimd', 'features', 'often', 'contain', 'alus', 'perform', 'arithmetic', 'euclidean', 'matrix', 'mathematics', 'main', 'data', 'storage', 'file', 'magnetic', 'core', 'memory', 'computer', 'memory', 'choice', 'throughout', 'replaced', 'semiconductor', 'memory', 'computer', 'memory', 'viewed', 'list', 'cells', 'numbers', 'placed', 'read', 'cell', 'numbered', 'address', 'store', 'single', 'number', 'computer', 'instructed', 'put', 'number', 'cell', 'numbered', 'add', 'number', 'cell', 'number', 'cell', 'put', 'answer', 'cell', 'information', 'stored', 'memory', 'may', 'represent', 'practically', 'anything', 'letters', 'numbers', 'even', 'computer', 'instructions', 'placed', 'memory', 'equal', 'ease', 'since', 'cpu', 'differentiate', 'different', 'types', 'information', 'software', 'responsibility', 'give', 'significance', 'memory', 'sees', 'nothing', 'series', 'numbers', 'almost', 'modern', 'computers', 'memory', 'cell', 'set', 'store', 'binary', 'numeral', 'numbers', 'groups', 'eight', 'bits', 'called', 'byte', 'byte', 'able', 'represent', 'different', 'numbers', 'sup', 'either', 'store', 'larger', 'numbers', 'several', 'consecutive', 'bytes', 'may', 'used', 'typically', 'two', 'four', 'eight', 'negative', 'numbers', 'required', 'usually', 'stored', 'two', 'complement', 'notation', 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'may', 'one', 'ram', 'cpu', 'memories', 'slower', 'registers', 'faster', 'main', 'memory', 'generally', 'computers', 'sort', 'cache', 'designed', 'move', 'frequently', 'needed', 'data', 'cache', 'automatically', 'often', 'without', 'intervention', 'programmer', 'part', 'main', 'file', 'disk', 'drives', 'common', 'storage', 'devices', 'used', 'computers', 'means', 'computer', 'exchanges', 'information', 'outside', 'world', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'introduction', 'basic', 'computer', 'author', 'donald', 'eadie', 'year', 'publisher', 'page', 'devices', 'provide', 'input', 'output', 'computer', 'called', 'peripherals', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'introduction', 'microcomputers', 'microprocessors', 'author', 'arpad', 'barna', 'porat', 'publisher', 'wiley', 'year', 'isbn', 'page', 'typical', 'personal', 'computer', 'peripherals', 'include', 'input', 'devices', 'like', 'keyboard', 'mouse', 'computing', 'output', 'devices', 'computer', 'printer', 'computing', 'hard', 'disk', 'drives', 'floppy', 'disk', 'drives', 'optical', 'disc', 'drives', 'serve', 'input', 'output', 'devices', 'computer', 'networking', 'another', 'form', 'devices', 'often', 'complex', 'computers', 'right', 'cpu', 'memory', 'graphics', 'processing', 'unit', 'contain', 'fifty', 'tiny', 'computers', 'perform', 'calculations', 'necessary', 'display', 'computer', 'graphics', 'citation', 'modern', 'desktop', 'computers', 'contain', 'many', 'smaller', 'computers', 'assist', 'main', 'cpu', 'performing', 'flat', 'screen', 'display', 'contains', 'computer', 'circuitry', 'main', 'multitasking', 'computer', 'may', 'viewed', 'running', 'one', 'gigantic', 'program', 'stored', 'main', 'memory', 'systems', 'necessary', 'give', 'appearance', 'running', 'several', 'programs', 'simultaneously', 'achieved', 'multitasking', 'computer', 'switch', 'rapidly', 'running', 'program', 'turn', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'learning', 'unix', 'operating', 'system', 'concise', 'guide', 'new', 'user', 'author', 'jerry', 'peek', 'todino', 'strang', 'publisher', 'year', 'isbn', 'page', 'one', 'means', 'done', 'special', 'signal', 'called', 'interrupt', 'periodically', 'computer', 'stop', 'executing', 'instructions', 'something', 'else', 'instead', 'remembering', 'executing', 'prior', 'interrupt', 'computer', 'return', 'task', 'later', 'several', 'programs', 'running', 'time', 'interrupt', 'generator', 'causing', 'several', 'hundred', 'interrupts', 'per', 'second', 'causing', 'program', 'switch', 'time', 'since', 'modern', 'computers', 'typically', 'execute', 'instructions', 'several', 'orders', 'magnitude', 'faster', 'human', 'perception', 'may', 'appear', 'many', 'programs', 'running', 'time', 'even', 'though', 'one', 'ever', 'executing', 'given', 'instant', 'method', 'multitasking', 'sometimes', 'termed', 'since', 'program', 'allocated', 'slice', 'time', 'turn', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'noise', 'reduction', 'speech', 'applications', 'author', 'gillian', 'davis', 'publisher', 'crc', 'press', 'year', 'isbn', 'page', 'era', 'inexpensive', 'computers', 'principal', 'multitasking', 'allow', 'many', 'people', 'share', 'computer', 'seemingly', 'multitasking', 'computer', 'switching', 'several', 'programs', 'run', 'slowly', 'direct', 'proportion', 'number', 'programs', 'running', 'programs', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'waiting', 'slow', 'devices', 'complete', 'tasks', 'program', 'waiting', 'user', 'click', 'mouse', 'press', 'key', 'keyboard', 'take', 'time', 'slice', 'event', 'waiting', 'occurred', 'frees', 'time', 'programs', 'execute', 'many', 'programs', 'may', 'run', 'simultaneously', 'without', 'unacceptable', 'speed', 'loss', 'main', 'file', 'cray', 'arts', 'metiers', 'designed', 'many', 'supercomputers', 'used', 'multiprocessing', 'heavily', 'computers', 'designed', 'distribute', 'work', 'across', 'several', 'cpus', 'multiprocessing', 'configuration', 'technique', 'employed', 'large', 'powerful', 'machines', 'supercomputers', 'mainframe', 'computers', 'server', 'computing', 'multiprocessor', 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'programmer', 'error', 'oversight', 'made', 'program', 'universally', 'true', 'bugs', 'solely', 'due', 'programmer', 'oversight', 'computer', 'hardware', 'may', 'fail', 'may', 'fundamental', 'problem', 'produces', 'unexpected', 'results', 'certain', 'situations', 'instance', 'pentium', 'fdiv', 'bug', 'caused', 'intel', 'microprocessors', 'early', 'produce', 'inaccurate', 'results', 'certain', 'floating', 'point', 'division', 'operations', 'caused', 'flaw', 'microprocessor', 'design', 'resulted', 'partial', 'recall', 'affected', 'devices', 'admiral', 'grace', 'hopper', 'american', 'computer', 'scientist', 'developer', 'first', 'compiler', 'credited', 'first', 'used', 'term', 'bugs', 'computing', 'dead', 'moth', 'found', 'shorting', 'relay', 'harvard', 'mark', 'ii', 'computer', 'september', 'ref', 'cite', 'news', 'alexander', 'iii', 'taylor', 'http', 'wizard', 'inside', 'machine', 'time', 'magazine', 'april', 'february', 'subscription', 'required', 'firmware', 'firmware', 'technology', 'combination', 'hardware', 'software', 'bios', 'chip', 'inside', 'computer', 'chip', 'hardware', 'located', 'motherboard', 'bios', 'set', 'software', 'stored', 'networking', 'internet', 'main', 'file', 'internet', 'map', 'portion', 'internet', 'computers', 'used', 'coordinate', 'information', 'multiple', 'locations', 'since', 'military', 'semi', 'automatic', 'ground', 'system', 'first', 'example', 'system', 'led', 'number', 'commercial', 'systems', 'sabre', 'computer', 'system', 'cite', 'book', 'title', 'systems', 'experts', 'computers', 'author', 'agatha', 'hughes', 'publisher', 'mit', 'press', 'year', 'isbn', 'page', 'quote', 'experience', 'sage', 'helped', 'make', 'possible', 'first', 'truly', 'commercial', 'network', 'sabre', 'computerized', 'airline', 'reservations', 'system', 'nbsp', 'computer', 'engineers', 'research', 'institutions', 'throughout', 'united', 'states', 'began', 'link', 'computers', 'together', 'using', 'telecommunications', 'technology', 'effort', 'funded', 'arpa', 'darpa', 'computer', 'network', 'resulted', 'called', 'arpanet', 'cite', 'brief', 'history', 'september', 'technologies', 'made', 'arpanet', 'possible', 'spread', 'evolved', 'time', 'network', 'spread', 'beyond', 'academic', 'military', 'institutions', 'became', 'known', 'internet', 'emergence', 'networking', 'involved', 'redefinition', 'nature', 'boundaries', 'computer', 'computer', 'operating', 'systems', 'applications', 'modified', 'include', 'ability', 'define', 'access', 'resources', 'computers', 'network', 'peripheral', 'devices', 'stored', 'information', 'like', 'extensions', 'resources', 'individual', 'computer', 'initially', 'facilities', 'available', 'primarily', 'people', 'working', 'environments', 'spread', 'applications', 'like', 'world', 'wide', 'web', 'combined', 'development', 'cheap', 'fast', 'networking', 'technologies', 'like', 'ethernet', 'asymmetric', 'digital', 'subscriber', 'saw', 'computer', 'networking', 'become', 'almost', 'ubiquitous', 'fact', 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'store', 'execute', 'lists', 'instructions', 'called', 'computer', 'makes', 'computers', 'extremely', 'versatile', 'distinguishing', 'calculators', 'thesis', 'mathematical', 'statement', 'versatility', 'computer', 'capability', 'principle', 'capable', 'performing', 'tasks', 'computer', 'perform', 'therefore', 'type', 'computer', 'netbook', 'supercomputer', 'cellular', 'automaton', 'etc', 'able', 'perform', 'computational', 'tasks', 'given', 'enough', 'time', 'storage', 'capacity', 'computer', 'solve', 'problems', 'exactly', 'way', 'programmed', 'without', 'regard', 'efficiency', 'alternative', 'solutions', 'possible', 'shortcuts', 'possible', 'errors', 'code', 'computer', 'programs', 'learn', 'adapt', 'part', 'emerging', 'field', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'machine', 'learning', 'professions', 'organizations', 'computers', 'spread', 'throughout', 'society', 'increasing', 'number', 'careers', 'involving', 'computers', 'wikitable', 'category', 'computer', 'professions', 'electrical', 'engineering', 'electronic', 'engineering', 'computer', 'engineering', 'telecommunications', 'engineering', 'optical', 'engineering', 'nanoengineering', 'computer', 'science', 'computer', 'engineering', 'desktop', 'publishing', 'interaction', 'information', 'technology', 'information', 'systems', 'discipline', 'systems', 'computational', 'science', 'software', 'engineering', 'video', 'game', 'industry', 'web', 'design', 'computers', 'work', 'well', 'together', 'able', 'exchange', 'information', 'spawned', 'many', 'standards', 'organizations', 'clubs', 'societies', 'formal', 'informal', 'nature', 'wikitable', 'category', 'standards', 'groups', 'american', 'national', 'standards', 'international', 'electrotechnical', 'institute', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'internet', 'engineering', 'task', 'international', 'organization', 'world', 'wide', 'web', 'professional', 'societies', 'association', 'computing', 'association', 'information', 'institution', 'engineering', 'international', 'federation', 'information', 'british', 'computer', 'free', 'source', 'software', 'groups', 'free', 'software', 'foundation', 'mozilla', 'foundation', 'apache', 'software', 'foundation', 'see', 'also', 'technology', 'div', 'glossary', 'computers', 'computability', 'theory', 'computer', 'insecurity', 'computer', 'security', 'glossary', 'computer', 'hardware', 'terms', 'history', 'computer', 'science', 'list', 'computer', 'term', 'etymologies', 'list', 'fictional', 'computers', 'list', 'pioneers', 'computer', 'science', 'pulse', 'computation', 'list', 'powerful', 'computers', 'div', 'col', 'end', 'references', 'notes', 'cite', 'journal', 'babbage', 'creation', 'annals', 'history', 'computing', 'note', 'cite', 'journal', 'author', 'kempf', 'karl', 'title', 'historical', 'monograph', 'electronic', 'computers', 'within', 'ordnance', 'corps', 'publisher', 'aberdeen', 'proving', 'ground', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'url', 'http', 'year', 'note', 'cite', 'web', 'last', 'phillips', 'first', 'tony', 'publisher', 'american', 'mathematical', 'society', 'year', 'title', 'antikythera', 'mechanism', 'url', 'http', 'accessdate', 'april', 'note', 'cite', 'journal', 'author', 'shannon', 'claude', 'elwood', 'title', 'symbolic', 'analysis', 'relay', 'switching', 'circuits', 'publisher', 'massachusetts', 'institute', 'technology', 'url', 'http', 'year', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'equipment', 'author', 'digital', 'equipment', 'corporation', 'publisher', 'digital', 'equipment', 'corporation', 'location', 'maynard', 'title', 'processor', 'handbook', 'url', 'http', 'format', 'pdf', 'year', 'cite', 'journal', 'ref', 'title', 'reliability', 'performance', 'etox', 'based', 'flash', 'memories', 'publisher', 'ieee', 'international', 'reliability', 'physics', 'symposium', 'year', 'cite', 'journal', 'ref', 'swade', 'author', 'doron', 'swade', 'title', 'redeeming', 'charles', 'babbage', 'mechanical', 'computer', 'journal', 'scientific', 'american', 'page', 'cite', 'web', 'ref', 'url', 'http', 'title', 'architectures', 'share', 'time', 'november', 'last', 'meuer', 'first', 'hans', 'authorlink', 'hans', 'meuer', 'erich', 'horst', 'jack', 'date', 'november', 'publisher', 'february', 'cite', 'history', 'manchester', 'computers', 'british', 'computer', 'society', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'stokes', 'first', 'jon', 'title', 'inside', 'machine', 'illustrated', 'introduction', 'microprocessors', 'computer', 'architecture', 'year', 'publisher', 'starch', 'press', 'location', 'san', 'francisco', 'isbn', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'first', 'konrad', 'title', 'computer', 'life', 'year', 'publisher', 'location', 'berlin', 'isbn', 'cite', 'book', 'arithmetic', 'history', 'counting', 'machine', 'institute', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'ifrah', 'last', 'ifrah', 'first', 'georges', 'year', 'title', 'universal', 'history', 'computing', 'abacus', 'quantum', 'computer', 'new', 'york', 'wiley', 'sons', 'isbn', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'berk', 'last', 'berkeley', 'first', 'edmund', 'year', 'title', 'giant', 'brains', 'machines', 'think', 'wiley', 'sons', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'last', 'first', 'year', 'title', 'howard', 'aiken', 'portrait', 'computer', 'pioneer', 'mit', 'press', 'cambridge', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'last', 'first', 'year', 'title', 'préhistoire', 'histoire', 'des', 'ordinateurs', 'laffont', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'last', 'first', 'year', 'title', 'les', 'machines', 'à', 'calculer', 'leurs', 'principes', 'leur', 'évolution', 'cite', 'book', 'ref', 'jacweb', 'last', 'essinger', 'first', 'james', 'year', 'title', 'jacquard', 'web', 'hand', 'loom', 'led', 'birth', 'information', 'age', 'university', 'press', 'cite', 'book', 'babbage', 'pioneer', 'computer', 'university', 'press', 'cite', 'book', 'aiken', 'portrait', 'computer', 'pioneer', 'mit', 'press', 'massachusetts', 'cite', 'book', 'thought', 'publishing', 'corporation', 'york', 'toronto', 'london', 'cite', 'book', 'genius', 'charles', 'babbage', 'inventor', 'cite', 'little', 'engine', 'calculating', 'machines', 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'system', 'crash', 'commonly', 'occurs', 'exception', 'handling', 'exception', 'handling', 'exception', 'occurs', 'exception', 'operating', 'system', 'crashes', 'also', 'occur', 'internal', 'sanity', 'logic', 'within', 'operating', 'system', 'detects', 'operating', 'system', 'lost', 'internal', 'modern', 'operating', 'systems', 'windows', 'linux', 'macos', 'usually', 'remain', 'unharmed', 'application', 'program', 'crashes', 'security', 'implications', 'crashes', 'many', 'software', 'bugs', 'crashes', 'also', 'exploit', 'computer', 'security', 'arbitrary', 'code', 'execution', 'types', 'privilege', 'ref', 'cite', 'crashes', 'find', 'security', 'vulnerabilities', 'apps', 'ref', 'cite', 'ruderman', 'memory', 'safety', 'bugs', 'code', 'example', 'stack', 'buffer', 'overflow', 'overwrite', 'return', 'address', 'subroutine', 'invalid', 'value', 'segmentation', 'fault', 'subroutine', 'returns', 'however', 'exploit', 'overwrites', 'return', 'address', 'valid', 'value', 'code', 'address', 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'number', 'unchecked', 'exceptions', 'one', 'every', 'lines', 'code', 'whereas', 'eiffel', 'uses', 'much', 'sparingly', 'one', 'thrown', 'every', 'lines', 'code', 'kiniry', 'also', 'writes', 'java', 'programmer', 'knows', 'volume', 'code', 'try', 'catch', 'code', 'typical', 'java', 'application', 'sometimes', 'larger', 'comparable', 'code', 'necessary', 'explicit', 'formal', 'parameter', 'return', 'value', 'checking', 'languages', 'checked', 'exceptions', 'fact', 'general', 'consensus', 'among', 'java', 'programmers', 'dealing', 'checked', 'exceptions', 'nearly', 'unpleasant', 'task', 'writing', 'documentation', 'thus', 'many', 'programmers', 'report', 'resent', 'checked', 'exceptions', 'leads', 'abundance', 'exceptions', 'ref', 'kiniry', 'kiniry', 'also', 'notes', 'developers', 'apparently', 'influenced', 'kind', 'user', 'experiences', 'following', 'quote', 'attributed', 'via', 'eric', 'gunnerson', 'examination', 'small', 'programs', 'leads', 'conclusion', 'requiring', 'exception', 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'order', 'handle', 'condition', 'conditions', 'represent', 'errors', 'may', 'safely', 'go', 'unhandled', 'entirely', 'purpose', 'may', 'propagate', 'hints', 'warnings', 'toward', 'user', 'cite', 'system', 'concepts', 'continuable', 'exceptions', 'related', 'resumption', 'model', 'exception', 'handling', 'exceptions', 'said', 'continuable', 'permitted', 'return', 'expression', 'signaled', 'exception', 'taken', 'corrective', 'action', 'handler', 'condition', 'system', 'generalized', 'thus', 'within', 'handler', 'condition', 'continuable', 'exception', 'possible', 'jump', 'predefined', 'restart', 'points', 'restarts', 'lie', 'signaling', 'expression', 'condition', 'handler', 'restarts', 'functions', 'closed', 'lexical', 'environment', 'allowing', 'programmer', 'repair', 'environment', 'exiting', 'condition', 'handler', 'completely', 'unwinding', 'stack', 'even', 'partially', 'restarts', 'separate', 'mechanism', 'policy', 'condition', 'handling', 'moreover', 'provides', 'separation', 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'structured', 'exception', 'conference', 'proceedings', 'acm', 'symposium', 'principles', 'programming', 'languages', 'popl', 'pages', 'date', 'see', 'paper', 'template', 'cite', 'last', 'goodenough', 'first', 'john', 'physicist', 'ref', 'harv', 'cite', 'title', 'exception', 'handling', 'issues', 'proposed', 'url', 'http', 'journal', 'communications', 'volume', 'issue', 'pages', 'year', 'last', 'goodenough', 'first', 'john', 'physicist', 'ref', 'see', 'paper', 'template', 'cite', 'cite', 'conference', 'period', 'perspective', 'macsyma', 'user', 'conference', 'refend', 'external', 'links', 'http', 'handle', 'exceptions', 'java', 'article', 'http', 'catch', 'runtimeexceptions', 'http', 'crash', 'course', 'depths', 'structured', 'exception', 'handling', 'matt', 'pietrek', 'microsoft', 'systems', 'journal', 'article', 'http', 'exceptions', 'handled', 'james', 'jim', 'wilcox', 'article', 'http', 'exceptional', 'philosophy', 'john', 'dlugosz', 'article', 'https', 'exception', 'handling', 'christophe', 'dinechin', 'article', 'http', 'exception', 'handling', 'without', 'tom', 'schotland', 'peter', 'petersen', 'article', 'http', 'exceptional', 'practices', 'brian', 'goetz', 'article', 'http', 'object', 'oriented', 'exception', 'handling', 'perl', 'arun', 'udaya', 'shankar', 'article', 'http', 'php', 'exception', 'handling', 'christopher', 'hill', 'article', 'http', 'practical', 'error', 'handling', 'hybrid', 'environments', 'gigi', 'sayfan', 'article', 'http', 'programming', 'exceptions', 'kyle', 'loudon', 'article', 'http', 'structured', 'exception', 'handling', 'basics', 'vadim', 'kokielov', 'article', 'http', 'unchecked', 'exceptions', 'controversy', 'conference', 'slides', 'http', 'policies', 'pdf', 'william', 'kahan', 'http', 'categoryexception', 'descriptions', 'portland', 'pattern', 'repository', 'http', 'java', 'checked', 'exceptions', 'http', 'exception', 'handling', 'framework', 'https', 'another', 'exception', 'handling', 'framework', 'http', 'handle', 'class', 'constructors', 'fail', 'http', 'java', 'exception', 'handling', 'jakob', 'jenkov', 'http', 'java', 'rethrow', 'exceptions', 'without', 'wrapping', 'rob', 'austin', 'paper', 'http', 'exception', 'handling', 'workflow', 'management', 'gert', 'faustmann', 'dietmar', 'wikarski', 'http', 'problems', 'benefits', 'exception', 'handling', 'http', 'trouble', 'checked', 'exceptions', 'conversation', 'anders', 'hejlsberg', 'http', 'type', 'java', 'exceptions', 'http', 'understanding', 'using', 'exceptions', 'visual', 'prolog', 'http', 'exception', 'handling', 'wiki', 'article', 'data', 'types', 'defaultsort', 'exception', 'handling', 'categories', 'category', 'control', 'flow', 'category', 'software', 'anomalies'], ['mdy', 'infobox', 'military', 'person', 'murray', 'hopper', 'birth', 'death', 'date', 'york', 'city', 'new', 'york', 'virginia', 'national', 'cemetery', 'place', 'burial', 'grace', 'hopper', 'usn', 'covered', 'admiral', 'grace', 'hopper', 'amazing', 'grace', 'yale', 'university', 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'american', 'computer', 'scientist', 'united', 'states', 'navy', 'rear', 'admiral', 'united', 'states', 'admiral', 'cite', 'http', 'amazing', 'grace', 'rear', 'grace', 'hopper', 'usn', 'pioneer', 'computer', 'military', 'military', 'officers', 'association', 'march', 'march', 'one', 'first', 'programmers', 'harvard', 'mark', 'computer', 'http', 'mark', 'computer', 'harvard', 'university', 'invented', 'first', 'compiler', 'computer', 'programming', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'richard', 'wexelblat', 'history', 'programming', 'languages', 'new', 'york', 'academic', 'press', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'donald', 'spencer', 'computers', 'information', 'processing', 'merrill', 'publishing', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'phillip', 'laplante', 'dictionary', 'computer', 'science', 'engineering', 'technology', 'crc', 'press', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'bryan', 'bunch', 'alexander', 'hellemans', 'timetables', 'technology', 'chronology', 'important', 'people', 'events', 'history', 'technology', 'simon', 'schuster', 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'north', 'island', 'housing', 'naval', 'computer', 'telecommunication', 'station', 'san', 'diego', 'named', 'grace', 'hopper', 'building', 'building', 'west', 'command', 'control', 'communications', 'computers', 'intelligence', 'surveillance', 'reconnaissance', 'center', 'excellence', 'aberdeen', 'proving', 'ground', 'maryland', 'named', 'rear', 'admiral', 'grace', 'hopper', 'building', 'named', 'professorship', 'department', 'computer', 'sciences', 'established', 'yale', 'university', 'honor', 'joan', 'feigenbaum', 'named', 'chair', 'news', 'july', 'grace', 'hopper', 'legacy', 'inspiring', 'factor', 'creation', 'grace', 'hopper', 'celebration', 'women', 'computing', 'cite', 'hopper', 'celebration', 'women', 'computing', 'held', 'yearly', 'conference', 'designed', 'bring', 'research', 'career', 'interests', 'women', 'computing', 'forefront', 'grace', 'hopper', 'academy', 'immersive', 'programming', 'school', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'named', 'grace', 'hopper', 'honor', 'opened', 'january', 'goal', 'increasing', 'proportion', 'women', 'software', 'engineering', 'careers', 'cite', 'grace', 'hopper', 'http', 'cite', 'exclusive', 'grace', 'hopper', 'academy', 'coding', 'school', 'open', 'new', 'http', 'international', 'business', 'bridge', 'goose', 'creek', 'joining', 'north', 'south', 'sides', 'naval', 'support', 'activity', 'charleston', 'side', 'joint', 'base', 'charleston', 'south', 'carolina', 'named', 'grace', 'hopper', 'memorial', 'bridge', 'honor', 'cite', 'web', 'history', 'month', 'beyond', 'bridge', 'story', 'grace', 'hopper', 'grace', 'hopper', 'awarded', 'honorary', 'degrees', 'universities', 'worldwide', 'lifetime', 'cite', 'week', 'archive', 'cite', 'biography', 'cite', 'honors', 'nbsp', 'rear', 'admiral', 'grace', 'murray', 'hopper', 'usn', 'states', 'navy', 'beginning', 'one', 'nine', 'competition', 'fields', 'first', 'robotics', 'competition', 'world', 'championship', 'named', 'hopper', 'cite', 'title', 'new', 'subdivision', 'work', 'first', 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'security', 'holes', 'also', 'hidden', 'packaged', 'together', 'unrelated', 'ref', 'cite', 'peer', 'carolina', 'state', 'march', 'ransomware', 'affects', 'infected', 'computer', 'way', 'demands', 'payment', 'reverse', 'damage', 'example', 'programs', 'cryptolocker', 'files', 'securely', 'decrypt', 'payment', 'substantial', 'sum', 'money', 'malware', 'used', 'generate', 'money', 'click', 'fraud', 'making', 'appear', 'computer', 'user', 'clicked', 'advertising', 'link', 'site', 'generating', 'payment', 'advertiser', 'estimated', 'active', 'malware', 'used', 'kind', 'click', 'fraud', 'ref', 'cite', 'way', 'microsoft', 'disrupting', 'malware', 'february', 'malware', 'usually', 'used', 'criminal', 'purposes', 'used', 'sabotage', 'often', 'without', 'direct', 'benefit', 'perpetrators', 'one', 'example', 'sabotage', 'stuxnet', 'used', 'destroy', 'specific', 'industrial', 'equipment', 'politically', 'motivated', 'attacks', 'spread', 'shut', 'large', 'computer', 'networks', 'including', 'massive', 'deletion', 'files', 'corruption', 'master', 'boot', 'records', 'described', 'computer', 'killing', 'attacks', 'made', 'sony', 'pictures', 'entertainment', 'november', 'using', 'malware', 'known', 'shamoon', 'saudi', 'aramco', 'august', 'ref', 'cite', 'latest', 'malware', 'target', 'energy', 'february', 'ref', 'cite', 'malware', 'used', 'sony', 'attack', 'february', 'proliferation', 'preliminary', 'results', 'symantec', 'published', 'suggested', 'release', 'rate', 'malicious', 'unwanted', 'programs', 'may', 'exceeding', 'legitimate', 'software', 'applications', 'ref', 'cite', 'internet', 'security', 'threat', 'report', 'trends', 'executive', 'summary', 'may', 'according', 'much', 'malware', 'produced', 'previous', 'years', 'altogether', 'ref', 'cite', 'press', 'reports', 'amount', 'malware', 'grew', 'december', 'december', 'malware', 'common', 'pathway', 'criminals', 'users', 'internet', 'primarily', 'world', 'wide', 'ref', 'cite', 'quarterly', 'security', 'first', 'quarter', 'march', 'april', 'prevalence', 'malware', 'vehicle', 'internet', 'crime', 'along', 'challenge', 'software', 'keep', 'continuous', 'stream', 'new', 'malware', 'seen', 'adoption', 'new', 'mindset', 'individuals', 'businesses', 'using', 'internet', 'amount', 'malware', 'currently', 'distributed', 'percentage', 'computers', 'currently', 'assumed', 'infected', 'businesses', 'especially', 'sell', 'mainly', 'internet', 'means', 'find', 'way', 'operate', 'despite', 'security', 'concerns', 'result', 'greater', 'emphasis', 'protection', 'designed', 'protect', 'advanced', 'malware', 'operating', 'customers', 'ref', 'cite', 'continuing', 'business', 'malware', 'infected', 'webroot', 'study', 'shows', 'companies', 'allow', 'remote', 'access', 'servers', 'workforce', 'companies', 'employees', 'accessing', 'servers', 'remotely', 'higher', 'rates', 'malware', 'ref', 'cite', 'new', 'research', 'shows', 'remote', 'users', 'expose', 'companies', 'march', 'symantec', 'corporation', 'named', 'shaoxing', 'china', 'world', 'malware', 'ref', 'cite', 'names', 'shaoxing', 'china', 'world', 'malware', 'capital', 'april', 'study', 'university', 'california', 'berkeley', 'madrid', 'institute', 'advanced', 'studies', 'published', 'article', 'software', 'development', 'technologies', 'examining', 'entrepreneurial', 'hacker', 'computer', 'security', 'helping', 'enable', 'spread', 'malware', 'offering', 'access', 'computers', 'price', 'microsoft', 'reported', 'may', 'one', 'every', 'downloads', 'internet', 'may', 'contain', 'malware', 'code', 'social', 'media', 'facebook', 'particular', 'seeing', 'rise', 'number', 'tactics', 'used', 'spread', 'malware', 'ref', 'cite', 'https', 'malware', 'posing', 'increasing', 'danger', 'wall', 'street', 'journal', 'study', 'found', 'malware', 'increasingly', 'aimed', 'mobile', 'devices', 'smartphones', 'increase', 'ref', 'cite', 'journal', 'tapiador', 'pedro', 'arturo', 'detection', 'analysis', 'malware', 'smart', 'communications', 'surveys', 'infectious', 'malware', 'main', 'worm', 'types', 'malware', 'computer', 'worms', 'known', 'manner', 'spread', 'rather', 'specific', 'types', 'behavior', 'term', 'computer', 'virus', 'used', 'program', 'embeds', 'executable', 'software', 'including', 'operating', 'system', 'target', 'system', 'without', 'user', 'consent', 'run', 'causes', 'virus', 'spread', 'executables', 'hand', 'computer', 'malware', 'program', 'actively', 'transmits', 'computer', 'infect', 'computers', 'definitions', 'lead', 'observation', 'computer', 'requires', 'user', 'run', 'infected', 'program', 'operating', 'system', 'virus', 'spread', 'whereas', 'worm', 'spreads', 'ref', 'cite', 'virus', 'encyclopædia', 'britannica', 'april', 'concealment', 'categories', 'mutually', 'exclusive', 'malware', 'may', 'multiple', 'ref', 'http', 'malware', 'information', 'privacy', 'section', 'applies', 'malware', 'designed', 'operate', 'undetected', 'sabotage', 'ransomware', 'see', 'packer', 'viruses', 'main', 'virus', 'computer', 'program', 'usually', 'hidden', 'within', 'another', 'seemingly', 'innocuous', 'program', 'produces', 'copies', 'inserts', 'programs', 'files', 'usually', 'performs', 'malicious', 'action', 'destroying', 'data', 'ref', 'cite', 'viruses', 'worms', 'trojan', 'horses', 'trustees', 'indiana', 'february', 'trojan', 'horses', 'main', 'horse', 'computing', 'computing', 'trojan', 'horse', 'malicious', 'computer', 'program', 'misrepresents', 'appear', 'useful', 'routine', 'interesting', 'order', 'persuade', 'victim', 'install', 'term', 'derived', 'ancient', 'greek', 'story', 'trojan', 'horse', 'used', 'help', 'greek', 'troops', 'invade', 'city', 'troy', 'ref', 'cite', 'conference', 'publisher', 'dtic', 'document', 'last', 'landwehr', 'first', 'bull', 'mcdermott', 'choi', 'title', 'taxonomy', 'computer', 'program', 'security', 'flaws', 'examples', 'url', 'http', 'year', 'accessdate', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'title', 'trojan', 'horse', 'definition', 'accessdate', 'url', 'http', 'ref', 'cite', 'news', 'title', 'trojan', 'horse', 'work', 'webopedia', 'accessdate', 'url', 'http', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'title', 'trojan', 'horse', 'definition', 'accessdate', 'url', 'http', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'title', 'trojan', 'horse', 'coined', 'dan', 'edwards', 'accessdate', 'url', 'http', 'trojans', 'generally', 'spread', 'form', 'social', 'engineering', 'security', 'engineering', 'example', 'user', 'duped', 'executing', 'attachment', 'disguised', 'unsuspicious', 'routine', 'form', 'filled', 'download', 'although', 'payload', 'anything', 'many', 'modern', 'forms', 'act', 'backdoor', 'computing', 'contacting', 'controller', 'unauthorized', 'access', 'affected', 'ref', 'cite', 'difference', 'viruses', 'worms', 'trojans', 'trojans', 'backdoors', 'easily', 'detectable', 'computers', 'may', 'appear', 'run', 'slower', 'due', 'heavy', 'processor', 'network', 'usage', 'unlike', 'computer', 'viruses', 'computer', 'trojans', 'generally', 'attempt', 'inject', 'files', 'otherwise', 'propagate', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'title', 'frequently', 'asked', 'questions', 'faq', 'question', 'trojan', 'horse', 'date', 'october', 'accessdate', 'url', 'http', 'rootkits', 'main', 'malicious', 'program', 'installed', 'system', 'essential', 'stays', 'concealed', 'avoid', 'detection', 'software', 'packages', 'known', 'rootkits', 'allow', 'concealment', 'modifying', 'host', 'operating', 'system', 'malware', 'hidden', 'user', 'rootkits', 'prevent', 'malicious', 'process', 'computing', 'visible', 'system', 'list', 'process', 'computing', 'keep', 'files', 'ref', 'cite', 'hidden', 'threats', 'rootkits', 'february', 'malicious', 'programs', 'contain', 'routines', 'defend', 'removal', 'merely', 'hide', 'early', 'example', 'behavior', 'recorded', 'jargon', 'file', 'tale', 'pair', 'programs', 'infesting', 'xerox', 'operating', 'time', 'sharing', 'system', 'detect', 'fact', 'killed', 'start', 'new', 'copy', 'recently', 'stopped', 'program', 'within', 'milliseconds', 'way', 'kill', 'ghosts', 'kill', 'simultaneously', 'difficult', 'deliberately', 'crash', 'ref', 'cite', 'april', 'backdoors', 'main', 'computing', 'backdoor', 'computing', 'method', 'bypassing', 'normal', 'authentication', 'procedures', 'usually', 'connection', 'network', 'internet', 'system', 'compromised', 'one', 'backdoors', 'may', 'installed', 'order', 'allow', 'access', 'future', 'ref', 'cite', 'news', 'vincentas', 'spyware', 'loop', 'july', 'july', 'invisibly', 'user', 'idea', 'often', 'suggested', 'computer', 'manufacturers', 'preinstall', 'backdoors', 'systems', 'provide', 'technical', 'support', 'customers', 'never', 'reliably', 'verified', 'reported', 'government', 'agencies', 'diverting', 'computers', 'purchased', 'considered', 'targets', 'secret', 'workshops', 'software', 'hardware', 'permitting', 'remote', 'access', 'agency', 'installed', 'considered', 'among', 'productive', 'operations', 'obtain', 'access', 'networks', 'around', 'ref', 'cite', 'tao', 'documents', 'reveal', 'top', 'nsa', 'hacking', 'january', 'backdoors', 'may', 'installed', 'trojan', 'horses', 'computer', 'nsa', 'ant', 'ref', 'cite', 'zombie', 'trojan', 'horse', 'september', 'ref', 'cite', 'spy', 'gear', 'catalog', 'advertises', 'nsa', 'december', 'evasion', 'since', 'beginning', 'sizable', 'portion', 'malware', 'utilizes', 'combination', 'many', 'techniques', 'designed', 'avoid', 'detection', 'ref', 'http', 'evasive', 'malware', 'common', 'evasion', 'technique', 'malware', 'evades', 'analysis', 'detection', 'fingerprint', 'computing', 'environment', 'ref', 'cite', 'conference', 'barecloud', 'evasive', 'malware', 'kirat', 'christopher', 'pages', 'isbn', 'second', 'common', 'evasion', 'technique', 'confusing', 'automated', 'tools', 'detection', 'methods', 'allows', 'malware', 'avoid', 'detection', 'technologies', 'antivirus', 'software', 'changing', 'server', 'used', 'ref', 'http', 'four', 'common', 'evasive', 'techniques', 'used', 'malware', 'april', 'third', 'common', 'evasion', 'technique', 'evasion', 'malware', 'runs', 'certain', 'times', 'following', 'certain', 'actions', 'taken', 'user', 'executes', 'certain', 'vulnerable', 'periods', 'boot', 'process', 'remaining', 'dormant', 'rest', 'time', 'fourth', 'common', 'evasion', 'technique', 'done', 'obfuscating', 'internal', 'data', 'automated', 'tools', 'detect', 'ref', 'cite', 'conference', 'deniable', 'password', 'snatching', 'possibility', 'evasive', 'electronic', 'young', 'security', 'privacy', 'pages', 'isbn', 'increasingly', 'common', 'technique', 'adware', 'uses', 'stolen', 'certificates', 'disable', 'virus', 'protection', 'technical', 'remedies', 'available', 'deal', 'ref', 'casey', 'cite', 'web', 'adware', 'disables', 'antivirus', 'software', 'guide', 'casey', 'november', 'november', 'nowadays', 'one', 'sophisticated', 'stealthy', 'ways', 'evasion', 'information', 'hiding', 'techniques', 'namely', 'stegomalware', 'vulnerability', 'main', 'computing', 'context', 'throughout', 'called', 'system', 'attack', 'may', 'anything', 'single', 'application', 'complete', 'computer', 'operating', 'system', 'large', 'computer', 'various', 'factors', 'make', 'system', 'vulnerable', 'malware', 'defect', 'security', 'defects', 'software', 'malware', 'exploits', 'security', 'defects', 'security', 'bugs', 'software', 'design', 'operating', 'system', 'applications', 'browsers', 'older', 'versions', 'microsoft', 'internet', 'explorer', 'supported', 'windows', 'xp', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'browser', 'security', 'vulnerable', 'versions', 'browser', 'plugins', 'adobe', 'flash', 'player', 'flash', 'player', 'adobe', 'acrobat', 'acrobat', 'reader', 'java', 'critical', 'security', 'issues', 'java', 'ref', 'cite', 'browsers', 'still', 'vulnerable', 'attack', 'plugins', 'november', 'ref', 'cite', 'different', 'vulnerabilities', 'detected', 'every', 'august', 'sometimes', 'even', 'installing', 'new', 'versions', 'plugins', 'automatically', 'uninstall', 'old', 'versions', 'security', 'advisories', 'computing', 'providers', 'announce', 'ref', 'cite', 'security', 'bulletins', 'advisories', 'january', 'common', 'vulnerabilities', 'assigned', 'common', 'vulnerabilities', 'ids', 'listed', 'national', 'vulnerability', 'database', 'secunia', 'psi', 'ref', 'cite', 'personal', 'software', 'inspector', 'review', 'rating', 'january', 'example', 'software', 'free', 'personal', 'check', 'pc', 'vulnerable', 'software', 'attempt', 'update', 'malware', 'authors', 'target', 'software', 'loopholes', 'exploit', 'common', 'method', 'exploitation', 'buffer', 'overrun', 'vulnerability', 'software', 'designed', 'store', 'data', 'specified', 'region', 'memory', 'prevent', 'data', 'buffer', 'accommodate', 'supplied', 'malware', 'may', 'provide', 'data', 'overflows', 'buffer', 'malicious', 'executable', 'code', 'data', 'end', 'payload', 'accessed', 'attacker', 'legitimate', 'software', 'determines', 'insecure', 'design', 'user', 'error', 'early', 'pcs', 'booted', 'floppy', 'disks', 'hard', 'drives', 'became', 'common', 'operating', 'system', 'normally', 'started', 'possible', 'boot', 'another', 'booting', 'boot', 'devices', 'ibm', 'pc', 'device', 'available', 'floppy', 'disk', 'usb', 'flash', 'drive', 'network', 'common', 'configure', 'computer', 'boot', 'one', 'devices', 'available', 'normally', 'none', 'available', 'user', 'intentionally', 'insert', 'say', 'cd', 'optical', 'drive', 'boot', 'computer', 'special', 'way', 'example', 'install', 'operating', 'system', 'even', 'without', 'booting', 'computers', 'configured', 'execute', 'software', 'media', 'soon', 'become', 'available', 'autorun', 'cd', 'usb', 'device', 'inserted', 'malicious', 'software', 'distributors', 'trick', 'user', 'booting', 'running', 'infected', 'device', 'medium', 'example', 'virus', 'make', 'infected', 'computer', 'add', 'autorunnable', 'code', 'usb', 'stick', 'plugged', 'anyone', 'attached', 'stick', 'another', 'computer', 'set', 'autorun', 'usb', 'turn', 'become', 'infected', 'also', 'pass', 'infection', 'ref', 'cite', 'devices', 'spreading', 'february', 'generally', 'device', 'plugs', 'usb', 'port', 'even', 'lights', 'fans', 'speakers', 'toys', 'peripherals', 'digital', 'microscope', 'used', 'spread', 'malware', 'devices', 'infected', 'manufacturing', 'supply', 'quality', 'control', 'ref', 'form', 'infection', 'largely', 'avoided', 'setting', 'computers', 'default', 'boot', 'internal', 'hard', 'drive', 'available', 'autorun', 'ref', 'intentional', 'booting', 'another', 'device', 'always', 'possible', 'pressing', 'certain', 'keys', 'boot', 'older', 'email', 'software', 'automatically', 'open', 'html', 'email', 'containing', 'potentially', 'malicious', 'javascript', 'code', 'users', 'may', 'also', 'execute', 'disguised', 'malicious', 'email', 'attachments', 'infected', 'executable', 'files', 'supplied', 'ways', 'citation', 'users', 'code', 'main', 'least', 'privilege', 'computing', 'privilege', 'computing', 'refers', 'much', 'user', 'program', 'allowed', 'modify', 'system', 'poorly', 'designed', 'computer', 'systems', 'users', 'programs', 'assigned', 'privileges', 'malware', 'take', 'advantage', 'two', 'ways', 'malware', 'overprivileged', 'users', 'overprivileged', 'code', 'systems', 'allow', 'users', 'modify', 'internal', 'structures', 'users', 'today', 'considered', 'administrative', 'users', 'standard', 'operating', 'procedure', 'early', 'microcomputer', 'home', 'computer', 'systems', 'distinction', 'administrator', 'root', 'regular', 'user', 'system', 'systems', 'system', 'users', 'design', 'sense', 'allowed', 'modify', 'internal', 'structures', 'system', 'environments', 'users', 'inappropriately', 'granted', 'administrator', 'equivalent', 'status', 'systems', 'allow', 'code', 'executed', 'user', 'access', 'rights', 'user', 'known', 'code', 'also', 'standard', 'operating', 'procedure', 'early', 'microcomputer', 'home', 'computer', 'systems', 'malware', 'running', 'code', 'privilege', 'subvert', 'system', 'almost', 'currently', 'popular', 'operating', 'systems', 'also', 'many', 'script', 'computing', 'applications', 'allow', 'code', 'many', 'privileges', 'usually', 'sense', 'user', 'code', 'system', 'allows', 'code', 'rights', 'user', 'makes', 'users', 'vulnerable', 'malware', 'form', 'attachments', 'may', 'may', 'disguised', 'operating', 'system', 'homogeneity', 'vulnerability', 'example', 'computers', 'computer', 'run', 'operating', 'system', 'upon', 'exploiting', 'one', 'one', 'computer', 'exploit', 'ref', 'ukan', 'lncs', 'key', 'factors', 'influencing', 'worm', 'infection', 'kanlayasiri', 'web', 'pdf', 'http', 'particular', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'mac', 'x', 'large', 'share', 'market', 'exploited', 'vulnerability', 'concentrating', 'either', 'operating', 'system', 'subvert', 'large', 'number', 'systems', 'introducing', 'diversity', 'purely', 'sake', 'robustness', 'adding', 'linux', 'computers', 'increase', 'costs', 'training', 'maintenance', 'however', 'long', 'nodes', 'part', 'directory', 'service', 'authentication', 'diverse', 'nodes', 'deter', 'total', 'shutdown', 'computer', 'allow', 'nodes', 'help', 'recovery', 'infected', 'nodes', 'separate', 'functional', 'redundancy', 'avoid', 'cost', 'total', 'shutdown', 'cost', 'increased', 'complexity', 'reduced', 'usability', 'terms', 'single', 'authentication', 'strategies', 'main', 'software', 'malware', 'attacks', 'become', 'frequent', 'attention', 'begun', 'shift', 'computer', 'spyware', 'protection', 'malware', 'protection', 'programs', 'specifically', 'developed', 'combat', 'malware', 'preventive', 'recovery', 'measures', 'backup', 'recovery', 'methods', 'mentioned', 'computer', 'virus', 'antivirus', 'software', 'preventive', 'virus', 'article', 'software', 'specific', 'component', 'software', 'commonly', 'referred', 'scanner', 'hooks', 'deep', 'operating', 'system', 'core', 'operating', 'system', 'functions', 'manner', 'similar', 'certain', 'malware', 'attempt', 'operate', 'though', 'user', 'informed', 'permission', 'protecting', 'system', 'time', 'operating', 'system', 'accesses', 'file', 'scanner', 'checks', 'file', 'file', 'file', 'identified', 'malware', 'scanner', 'access', 'operation', 'stopped', 'file', 'dealt', 'scanner', 'way', 'program', 'configured', 'installation', 'user', 'notified', 'citation', 'may', 'considerable', 'performance', 'impact', 'operating', 'system', 'though', 'degree', 'impact', 'dependent', 'well', 'scanner', 'programmed', 'goal', 'stop', 'operations', 'malware', 'may', 'attempt', 'system', 'occur', 'including', 'activities', 'exploit', 'software', 'trigger', 'unexpected', 'operating', 'system', 'behavior', 'programs', 'combat', 'malware', 'two', 'ways', 'provide', 'real', 'time', 'protection', 'installation', 'malware', 'software', 'computer', 'type', 'malware', 'protection', 'works', 'way', 'antivirus', 'protection', 'software', 'scans', 'incoming', 'computer', 'data', 'malware', 'blocks', 'threat', 'computer', 'comes', 'across', 'software', 'programs', 'used', 'solely', 'detection', 'removal', 'malware', 'software', 'already', 'installed', 'onto', 'computer', 'type', 'software', 'scans', 'contents', 'windows', 'registry', 'operating', 'system', 'files', 'installed', 'programs', 'computer', 'provide', 'list', 'threats', 'found', 'allowing', 'user', 'choose', 'files', 'delete', 'keep', 'compare', 'list', 'list', 'known', 'malware', 'components', 'removing', 'files', 'ref', 'cite', 'antivirus', 'software', 'works', 'protection', 'malware', 'works', 'identically', 'antivirus', 'protection', 'software', 'scans', 'disk', 'files', 'download', 'time', 'blocks', 'activity', 'components', 'known', 'represent', 'malware', 'cases', 'may', 'also', 'intercept', 'attempts', 'install', 'items', 'modify', 'browser', 'settings', 'many', 'malware', 'components', 'installed', 'result', 'browser', 'exploits', 'user', 'error', 'using', 'security', 'software', 'though', 'many', 'sandbox', 'browsers', 'essentially', 'isolate', 'browser', 'computer', 'hence', 'malware', 'induced', 'change', 'also', 'effective', 'helping', 'restrict', 'damage', 'done', 'citation', 'examples', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'software', 'include', 'optional', 'microsoft', 'security', 'essentials', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'security', 'essentials', 'june', 'windows', 'xp', 'vista', 'windows', 'protection', 'windows', 'malicious', 'software', 'removal', 'tool', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'software', 'removal', 'tool', 'june', 'included', 'windows', 'security', 'updates', 'patch', 'tuesday', 'second', 'tuesday', 'month', 'windows', 'defender', 'optional', 'download', 'case', 'windows', 'xp', 'incorporating', 'functionality', 'case', 'windows', 'later', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'defender', 'june', 'additionally', 'several', 'capable', 'antivirus', 'software', 'programs', 'available', 'free', 'download', 'internet', 'usually', 'restricted', 'ref', 'pcmag', 'cite', 'best', 'free', 'antivirus', 'january', 'tests', 'found', 'free', 'programs', 'competitive', 'commercial', 'ref', 'pcmag', 'microsoft', 'system', 'file', 'checker', 'used', 'check', 'repair', 'corrupted', 'system', 'files', 'viruses', 'disable', 'system', 'restore', 'important', 'windows', 'tools', 'task', 'manager', 'command', 'prompt', 'windows', 'prompt', 'many', 'viruses', 'removed', 'computer', 'entering', 'windows', 'safe', 'mode', 'networking', 'ref', 'cite', 'remove', 'computer', 'virus', 'august', 'using', 'system', 'tools', 'microsoft', 'safety', 'ref', 'cite', 'safety', 'august', 'hardware', 'nsa', 'ant', 'type', 'general', 'way', 'detect', 'website', 'security', 'scans', 'malware', 'also', 'harms', 'compromised', 'websites', 'breaking', 'reputation', 'blacklisting', 'search', 'engines', 'etc', 'websites', 'offer', 'vulnerability', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'example', 'website', 'vulnerability', 'scanner', 'january', 'ref', 'cite', 'file', 'viewer', 'used', 'check', 'webpage', 'malicious', 'redirects', 'malicious', 'html', 'coding', 'january', 'ref', 'cite', 'safe', 'browsing', 'diagnostic', 'page', 'january', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'safe', 'browsing', 'google', 'online', 'security', 'blog', 'june', 'scans', 'check', 'website', 'detect', 'malware', 'may', 'note', 'outdated', 'software', 'may', 'report', 'known', 'security', 'issues', 'air', 'gap', 'isolation', 'parallel', 'network', 'last', 'resort', 'computers', 'protected', 'malware', 'infected', 'computers', 'prevented', 'disseminating', 'trusted', 'information', 'imposing', 'air', 'gap', 'networking', 'air', 'gap', 'completely', 'disconnecting', 'networks', 'however', 'malware', 'still', 'cross', 'air', 'gap', 'situations', 'example', 'removable', 'media', 'carry', 'malware', 'across', 'gap', 'december', 'researchers', 'germany', 'showed', 'one', 'way', 'apparent', 'air', 'gap', 'air', 'gap', 'ref', 'cite', 'covert', 'acoustical', 'mesh', 'networks', 'airhopper', 'ref', 'guri', 'kedma', 'kachlon', 'elovici', 'airhopper', 'bridging', 'isolated', 'networks', 'mobile', 'phones', 'using', 'radio', 'frequencies', 'malicious', 'unwanted', 'software', 'americas', 'malware', 'international', 'conference', 'fajardo', 'pr', 'pp', 'bitwhisper', 'ref', 'guri', 'monitz', 'mirski', 'elovici', 'bitwhisper', 'covert', 'signaling', 'channel', 'computers', 'using', 'thermal', 'manipulations', 'ieee', 'computer', 'security', 'foundations', 'symposium', 'verona', 'pp', 'gsmem', 'ref', 'gsmem', 'data', 'exfiltration', 'computers', 'gsm', 'frequencies', 'mordechai', 'guri', 'assaf', 'kachlon', 'ofer', 'hasson', 'gabi', 'kedma', 'yisroel', 'mirsky', 'yuval', 'elovici', 'university', 'negev', 'usenix', 'security', 'symposium', 'fansmitter', 'ref', 'https', 'four', 'techniques', 'introduced', 'researchers', 'leak', 'data', 'computers', 'using', 'electromagnetic', 'thermal', 'acoustic', 'emissions', 'grayware', 'see', 'unwanted', 'program', 'grayware', 'term', 'applied', 'unwanted', 'applications', 'files', 'classified', 'malware', 'worsen', 'performance', 'computers', 'may', 'security', 'ref', 'cite', 'news', 'vincentas', 'spyware', 'loop', 'july', 'july', 'describes', 'applications', 'behave', 'annoying', 'undesirable', 'manner', 'yet', 'less', 'serious', 'troublesome', 'malware', 'grayware', 'encompasses', 'spyware', 'adware', 'dialer', 'fraudulent', 'dialers', 'joke', 'programs', 'remote', 'desktop', 'access', 'tools', 'unwanted', 'programs', 'harm', 'performance', 'computers', 'inconvenience', 'term', 'came', 'around', 'ref', 'cite', 'encyclopedia', 'generic', 'november', 'another', 'term', 'potentially', 'unwanted', 'program', 'pup', 'potentially', 'unwanted', 'application', 'pua', 'ref', 'cite', 'best', 'january', 'refers', 'applications', 'considered', 'unwanted', 'despite', 'often', 'downloaded', 'user', 'possibly', 'failing', 'read', 'download', 'agreement', 'pups', 'include', 'spyware', 'adware', 'fraudulent', 'dialers', 'many', 'security', 'products', 'classify', 'unauthorised', 'key', 'generators', 'grayware', 'although', 'frequently', 'carry', 'true', 'malware', 'addition', 'ostensible', 'purpose', 'software', 'maker', 'malwarebytes', 'lists', 'several', 'criteria', 'classifying', 'program', 'ref', 'pup', 'criteria', 'cite', 'criteria', 'february', 'adware', 'using', 'stolen', 'certificates', 'disables', 'virus', 'protection', 'technical', 'remedies', 'ref', 'casey', 'history', 'viruses', 'worms', 'internet', 'access', 'became', 'widespread', 'viruses', 'spread', 'personal', 'computers', 'infecting', 'executable', 'boot', 'sectors', 'floppy', 'disks', 'inserting', 'copy', 'machine', 'code', 'instructions', 'executables', 'virus', 'causes', 'run', 'whenever', 'program', 'run', 'disk', 'booted', 'early', 'computer', 'viruses', 'written', 'apple', 'ii', 'apple', 'became', 'widespread', 'dominance', 'ibm', 'pc', 'system', 'viruses', 'dependent', 'users', 'exchanging', 'software', 'floppies', 'thumb', 'drives', 'spread', 'rapidly', 'computer', 'hobbyist', 'circles', 'citation', 'first', 'worms', 'computer', 'infectious', 'programs', 'originated', 'personal', 'computers', 'multitasking', 'unix', 'systems', 'first', 'worm', 'morris', 'worm', 'infected', 'sunos', 'vax', 'bsd', 'systems', 'unlike', 'virus', 'worm', 'insert', 'programs', 'instead', 'exploited', 'security', 'holes', 'vulnerability', 'computing', 'network', 'server', 'computing', 'programs', 'started', 'running', 'separate', 'process', 'computing', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'computer', 'virus', 'history', 'william', 'hendric', 'september', 'march', 'behavior', 'used', 'today', 'worms', 'well', 'citation', 'ref', 'cite', 'types', 'protection', 'prevention', 'detection', 'removal', 'ultimate', 'rise', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'platform', 'flexible', 'macro', 'computer', 'science', 'applications', 'became', 'possible', 'write', 'infectious', 'code', 'macro', 'language', 'microsoft', 'office', 'word', 'similar', 'programs', 'macro', 'virus', 'computing', 'viruses', 'infect', 'documents', 'templates', 'rather', 'applications', 'executables', 'rely', 'fact', 'macros', 'word', 'document', 'form', 'executable', 'code', 'citation', 'needed', 'academic', 'research', 'main', 'research', 'notion', 'computer', 'program', 'traced', 'back', 'initial', 'theories', 'operation', 'complex', 'ref', 'john', 'von', 'neumann', 'theory', 'automata', 'part', 'transcripts', 'lectures', 'given', 'university', 'illinois', 'december', 'editor', 'burks', 'university', 'illinois', 'usa', 'john', 'von', 'neumann', 'showed', 'theory', 'program', 'reproduce', 'constituted', 'plausibility', 'result', 'computability', 'theory', 'computer', 'science', 'theory', 'fred', 'cohen', 'experimented', 'computer', 'viruses', 'confirmed', 'neumann', 'postulate', 'investigated', 'properties', 'malware', 'detectability', 'using', 'rudimentary', 'encryption', 'doctoral', 'dissertation', 'subject', 'computer', 'ref', 'fred', 'cohen', 'computer', 'viruses', 'phd', 'thesis', 'university', 'southern', 'california', 'asp', 'press', 'combination', 'cryptographic', 'technology', 'part', 'payload', 'virus', 'exploiting', 'attack', 'purposes', 'initialized', 'investigated', 'mid', 'includes', 'initial', 'ransomware', 'evasion', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'malicious', 'cryptography', 'exposing', 'young', 'isbn', 'see', 'also', 'browser', 'hijacking', 'command', 'control', 'malware', 'comparison', 'antivirus', 'software', 'computer', 'security', 'cyber', 'spying', 'file', 'binder', 'identity', 'theft', 'industrial', 'espionage', 'linux', 'malware', 'malvertising', 'phishing', 'riskware', 'web', 'application', 'web', 'apps', 'social', 'engineering', 'security', 'targeted', 'threat', 'typosquatting', 'category', 'web', 'security', 'exploits', 'web', 'server', 'overload', 'server', 'overload', 'causes', 'zombie', 'computer', 'science', 'references', 'external', 'links', 'commons', 'category', 'software', 'http', 'reading', 'research', 'papers', 'documents', 'malware', 'idmarch', 'digital', 'media', 'archive', 'http', 'advanced', 'malware', 'cleaning', 'microsoft', 'video', 'malware', 'software', 'distribution', 'portal', 'security', 'authority', 'control', 'category', 'category', 'computer', 'security', 'exploits'], ['tv', 'computer', 'programme', 'file', 'hello', 'world', 'programming', 'language', 'hello', 'world', 'source', 'code', 'first', 'known', 'hello', 'world', 'snippet', 'programming', 'seminal', 'book', 'programming', 'language', 'book', 'programming', 'language', 'originates', 'brian', 'kernighan', 'dennis', 'ritchie', 'program', 'collection', 'instruction', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'rochkind', 'first', 'marc', 'title', 'advanced', 'unix', 'programming', 'second', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'performs', 'specific', 'task', 'execution', 'computing', 'computer', 'computer', 'requires', 'programs', 'function', 'typically', 'executes', 'program', 'instructions', 'central', 'processing', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'silberschatz', 'first', 'abraham', 'title', 'operating', 'system', 'concepts', 'fourth', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'computer', 'program', 'usually', 'written', 'computer', 'programmer', 'programming', 'language', 'program', 'form', 'source', 'code', 'compiler', 'derive', 'machine', 'form', 'consisting', 'instructions', 'computer', 'directly', 'execute', 'alternatively', 'computer', 'program', 'may', 'executed', 'aid', 'interpreter', 'computing', 'part', 'computer', 'program', 'performs', 'task', 'known', 'algorithm', 'collection', 'computer', 'programs', 'library', 'computing', 'related', 'data', 'computing', 'referred', 'software', 'computer', 'programs', 'may', 'categorized', 'along', 'functional', 'lines', 'application', 'software', 'system', 'software', 'see', 'programming', 'software', 'programmable', 'earliest', 'programmable', 'machines', 'preceded', 'history', 'computing', 'digital', 'computer', 'jacquard', 'devised', 'jacquard', 'weave', 'pattern', 'following', 'series', 'perforated', 'cards', 'patterns', 'weaved', 'repeated', 'arranging', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'mccartney', 'first', 'scott', 'title', 'eniac', 'triumphs', 'tragedies', 'world', 'first', 'computer', 'publisher', 'walker', 'company', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'file', 'diagram', 'computation', 'bernoulli', 'diagram', 'note', 'ada', 'lovelace', 'first', 'computer', 'published', 'computer', 'algorithm', 'charles', 'babbage', 'inspired', 'jacquard', 'loom', 'attempt', 'build', 'analytical', 'ref', 'names', 'components', 'calculating', 'device', 'borrowed', 'textile', 'industry', 'textile', 'industry', 'yarn', 'brought', 'store', 'milled', 'device', 'store', 'hold', 'numbers', 'decimal', 'digits', 'numbers', 'store', 'transferred', 'mill', 'analogous', 'cpu', 'modern', 'machine', 'processing', 'programmed', 'using', 'two', 'sets', 'perforated', 'direct', 'operation', 'input', 'ref', 'ref', 'cite', 'journal', 'first', 'allan', 'last', 'bromley', 'authorlink', 'allan', 'bromley', 'year', 'url', 'http', 'title', 'charles', 'babbage', 'analytical', 'engine', 'journal', 'ieee', 'annals', 'history', 'computing', 'volume', 'number', 'however', 'pounds', 'british', 'government', 'money', 'thousands', 'cogged', 'wheels', 'gears', 'never', 'fully', 'worked', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'tanenbaum', 'first', 'andrew', 'title', 'structured', 'computer', 'organization', 'third', 'edition', 'publisher', 'prentice', 'hall', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'period', 'ada', 'lovelace', 'translated', 'memoir', 'italian', 'mathematician', 'luigi', 'menabrea', 'memoir', 'covered', 'analytical', 'engine', 'translation', 'contained', 'note', 'completely', 'detailed', 'method', 'calculating', 'bernoulli', 'numbers', 'using', 'analytical', 'engine', 'note', 'recognized', 'historians', 'world', 'first', 'written', 'computer', 'ref', 'fuegi', 'title', 'lovelace', 'babbage', 'creation', 'annals', 'history', 'volume', 'issue', 'pages', 'turing', 'alan', 'turing', 'introduced', 'universal', 'turing', 'theoretical', 'device', 'model', 'every', 'computation', 'performed', 'turing', 'complete', 'computing', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'rosen', 'first', 'kenneth', 'title', 'discrete', 'mathematics', 'applications', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'machine', 'infinitely', 'long', 'tape', 'machine', 'move', 'tape', 'back', 'forth', 'changing', 'contents', 'performs', 'algorithm', 'machine', 'starts', 'initial', 'state', 'goes', 'sequence', 'steps', 'halts', 'encounters', 'halt', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'linz', 'first', 'peter', 'title', 'introduction', 'formal', 'languages', 'automata', 'publisher', 'heath', 'company', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'machine', 'considered', 'origin', 'john', 'von', 'neumann', 'electronic', 'computing', 'instrument', 'bears', 'von', 'neumann', 'architecture', 'ref', 'citation', 'first', 'martin', 'last', 'davis', 'martin', 'davis', 'title', 'engines', 'logic', 'mathematicians', 'origin', 'computer', 'edition', 'year', 'place', 'new', 'york', 'publisher', 'norton', 'company', 'pb', 'isbn', 'programmable', 'computer', 'computer', 'invented', 'konrad', 'zuse', 'germany', 'digital', 'programmable', 'ref', 'cite', 'web', 'url', 'http', 'title', 'history', 'computing', 'digital', 'computer', 'uses', 'electricity', 'calculating', 'component', 'contained', 'relays', 'create', 'electronic', 'circuits', 'provided', 'binary', 'computer', 'programming', 'specially', 'designed', 'keyboard', 'punched', 'tape', 'numerical', 'integrator', 'computer', 'fall', 'turing', 'complete', 'computer', 'used', 'vacuum', 'tubes', 'create', 'electronic', 'core', 'series', 'pascalines', 'wired', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'mccartney', 'first', 'scott', 'title', 'eniac', 'triumphs', 'tragedies', 'world', 'first', 'computer', 'publisher', 'walker', 'company', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'units', 'weighed', 'tons', 'occupied', 'consumed', 'per', 'hour', 'currency', 'electricity', 'ref', 'accumulator', 'computing', 'programming', 'eniac', 'took', 'two', 'ref', 'three', 'function', 'tables', 'wheels', 'needed', 'rolled', 'fixed', 'function', 'panels', 'function', 'tables', 'connected', 'function', 'panels', 'using', 'heavy', 'black', 'cables', 'function', 'table', 'rotating', 'knobs', 'programming', 'eniac', 'also', 'involved', 'setting', 'switches', 'debugging', 'program', 'took', 'ref', 'eniac', 'featured', 'parallel', 'operations', 'different', 'sets', 'accumulators', 'simultaneously', 'work', 'different', 'algorithms', 'used', 'punched', 'card', 'machines', 'input', 'output', 'controlled', 'clock', 'signal', 'ran', 'eight', 'years', 'calculating', 'hydrogen', 'bomb', 'parameters', 'predicting', 'weather', 'patterns', 'producing', 'firing', 'tables', 'aim', 'artillery', 'guns', 'manchester', 'experimental', 'machine', 'june', 'ref', 'citation', 'golden', 'jubilee', 'computer', 'conservation', 'society', 'april', 'programming', 'transitioned', 'away', 'moving', 'cables', 'setting', 'dials', 'instead', 'computer', 'program', 'stored', 'memory', 'numbers', 'three', 'bits', 'memory', 'available', 'store', 'instruction', 'limited', 'eight', 'instructions', 'switches', 'available', 'programming', 'file', 'manual', 'input', 'data', 'general', 'nova', 'manufactured', 'computers', 'manufactured', 'switches', 'programming', 'computer', 'program', 'written', 'paper', 'reference', 'instruction', 'represented', 'configuration', 'settings', 'setting', 'configuration', 'execute', 'button', 'pressed', 'process', 'repeated', 'computer', 'programs', 'also', 'manually', 'input', 'via', 'paper', 'tape', 'punched', 'cards', 'medium', 'loaded', 'starting', 'address', 'set', 'via', 'switches', 'execute', 'button', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'silberschatz', 'first', 'abraham', 'title', 'operating', 'system', 'concepts', 'fourth', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'burroughs', 'large', 'systems', 'built', 'specifically', 'programmed', 'algol', 'language', 'hardware', 'featured', 'circuits', 'ease', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'tanenbaum', 'first', 'andrew', 'title', 'structured', 'computer', 'organization', 'third', 'edition', 'publisher', 'prentice', 'hall', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'ibm', 'line', 'six', 'computers', 'instruction', 'set', 'architecture', 'model', 'smallest', 'least', 'expensive', 'customers', 'upgrade', 'retain', 'application', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'tanenbaum', 'first', 'andrew', 'title', 'structured', 'computer', 'organization', 'third', 'edition', 'publisher', 'prentice', 'hall', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'model', 'featured', 'computer', 'multitasking', 'operating', 'system', 'support', 'multiple', 'programs', 'memory', 'one', 'waiting', 'another', 'compute', 'model', 'also', 'computers', 'customers', 'upgrade', 'retain', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'ibm', 'application', 'ref', 'programming', 'computer', 'programming', 'process', 'writing', 'editing', 'source', 'code', 'editing', 'source', 'code', 'involves', 'testing', 'analyzing', 'refining', 'sometimes', 'coordinating', 'programmers', 'jointly', 'developed', 'program', 'person', 'practices', 'skill', 'referred', 'computer', 'programmer', 'software', 'developer', 'sometimes', 'coder', 'sometimes', 'lengthy', 'process', 'computer', 'programming', 'usually', 'referred', 'software', 'development', 'term', 'software', 'engineering', 'becoming', 'popular', 'process', 'seen', 'engineering', 'discipline', 'language', 'file', 'computer', 'program', 'written', 'imperative', 'programming', 'style', 'computer', 'programs', 'categorized', 'programming', 'language', 'programming', 'used', 'produce', 'two', 'main', 'paradigms', 'imperative', 'declarative', 'imperative', 'programming', 'languages', 'specify', 'sequential', 'algorithm', 'computer', 'using', 'declarations', 'expressions', 'statements', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'wilson', 'first', 'leslie', 'title', 'comparative', 'programming', 'languages', 'second', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'declaration', 'couples', 'variable', 'programming', 'name', 'datatype', 'example', 'code', 'var', 'x', 'integer', 'expression', 'yields', 'value', 'example', 'code', 'yields', 'statement', 'assign', 'expression', 'variable', 'value', 'variable', 'alter', 'program', 'control', 'flow', 'example', 'code', 'x', 'x', 'one', 'criticism', 'imperative', 'languages', 'side', 'effect', 'assignment', 'statement', 'class', 'variables', 'called', 'ref', 'declarative', 'programming', 'languages', 'describe', 'computation', 'performed', 'compute', 'declarative', 'programs', 'omit', 'control', 'flow', 'considered', 'sets', 'instructions', 'two', 'broad', 'categories', 'declarative', 'languages', 'functional', 'languages', 'logical', 'languages', 'principle', 'behind', 'functional', 'languages', 'like', 'haskell', 'programming', 'language', 'allow', 'side', 'effect', 'computer', 'science', 'effects', 'makes', 'easier', 'reason', 'programs', 'like', 'mathematical', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'wilson', 'first', 'leslie', 'title', 'comparative', 'programming', 'languages', 'second', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'principle', 'behind', 'logical', 'languages', 'like', 'prolog', 'define', 'problem', 'solved', 'nbsp', 'goal', 'nbsp', 'leave', 'detailed', 'solution', 'prolog', 'system', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'wilson', 'first', 'leslie', 'title', 'comparative', 'programming', 'languages', 'second', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'goal', 'defined', 'providing', 'list', 'subgoals', 'subgoal', 'defined', 'providing', 'list', 'subgoals', 'etc', 'path', 'subgoals', 'fails', 'find', 'solution', 'subgoal', 'another', 'path', 'systematically', 'attempted', 'computer', 'program', 'form', 'computer', 'programming', 'language', 'called', 'source', 'code', 'source', 'code', 'may', 'converted', 'executable', 'image', 'compiler', 'execution', 'computing', 'immediately', 'aid', 'interpreter', 'computing', 'compilers', 'used', 'translate', 'source', 'code', 'programming', 'language', 'either', 'object', 'code', 'machine', 'ref', 'cite', 'compiler', 'object', 'code', 'needs', 'processing', 'become', 'machine', 'code', 'machine', 'code', 'consists', 'central', 'processing', 'processing', 'unit', 'native', 'instructions', 'ready', 'execution', 'compiled', 'computer', 'programs', 'commonly', 'referred', 'executables', 'binary', 'images', 'simply', 'binary', 'nbsp', 'reference', 'binary', 'numeral', 'file', 'format', 'used', 'store', 'executable', 'code', 'interpreters', 'used', 'execute', 'source', 'code', 'programming', 'language', 'interpreter', 'statement', 'computer', 'science', 'performs', 'behavior', 'one', 'advantage', 'interpreters', 'easily', 'extended', 'session', 'programmer', 'presented', 'prompt', 'individual', 'lines', 'code', 'typed', 'performed', 'immediately', 'main', 'disadvantage', 'interpreters', 'computer', 'programs', 'run', 'slower', 'compiled', 'interpreting', 'code', 'slower', 'interpreter', 'decode', 'statement', 'perform', 'however', 'software', 'development', 'may', 'faster', 'using', 'interpreter', 'testing', 'immediate', 'compiling', 'step', 'omitted', 'another', 'disadvantage', 'interpreters', 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'compiled', 'language', 'despite', 'existence', 'java', 'compilers', 'interpreters', 'file', 'computer', 'programs', 'stored', 'punched', 'paper', 'tape', 'typically', 'computer', 'programs', 'stored', 'memory', 'requested', 'either', 'directly', 'indirectly', 'execution', 'computing', 'computer', 'user', 'upon', 'request', 'program', 'loaded', 'memory', 'computer', 'program', 'called', 'operating', 'system', 'accessed', 'directly', 'central', 'processor', 'central', 'processor', 'executes', 'runs', 'program', 'instruction', 'instruction', 'termination', 'program', 'execution', 'called', 'process', 'computing', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'silberschatz', 'first', 'abraham', 'title', 'operating', 'system', 'concepts', 'fourth', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'termination', 'either', 'normal', 'error', 'nbsp', 'software', 'hardware', 'error', 'see', 'computing', 'many', 'operating', 'systems', 'support', 'computer', 'enables', 'many', 'computer', 'programs', 'appear', 'run', 'simultaneously', 'one', 'computer', 'operating', 'systems', 'may', 'run', 'multiple', 'programs', 'process', 'scheduling', 'nbsp', 'software', 'mechanism', 'context', 'central', 'processing', 'among', 'processes', 'often', 'users', 'program', 'ref', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'silberschatz', 'first', 'abraham', 'title', 'operating', 'system', 'concepts', 'fourth', 'edition', 'publisher', 'year', 'page', 'isbn', 'within', 'hardware', 'modern', 'day', 'multiprocessor', 'computers', 'computers', 'multicore', 'processors', 'may', 'run', 'multiple', 'ref', 'mcore', 'cite', 'book', 'last', 'akhter', 'first', 'shameem', 'title', 'programming', 'publisher', 'richard', 'bowles', 'intel', 'press', 'year', 'pages', 'isbn', 'multiple', 'lines', 'computer', 'program', 'may', 'simultaneously', 'executed', 'using', 'thread', 'computing', 'multithreading', 'computer', 'architecture', 'processors', 'optimized', 'execute', 'multiple', 'threads', 'efficiently', 'code', 'computer', 'program', 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'users', 'think', 'compilers', 'databases', 'system', 'software', 'applications', 'software', 'development', 'tailors', 'systems', 'meet', 'users', 'specific', 'needs', 'user', 'software', 'include', 'spreadsheet', 'templates', 'word', 'processor', 'templates', 'even', 'email', 'filters', 'kind', 'user', 'software', 'users', 'create', 'software', 'often', 'overlook', 'important', 'depending', 'competently', 'software', 'integrated', 'default', 'application', 'packages', 'many', 'users', 'may', 'aware', 'distinction', 'original', 'packages', 'added', 'main', 'computing', 'computer', 'software', 'loaded', 'computer', 'storage', 'hard', 'drive', 'computer', 'software', 'loaded', 'computer', 'able', 'execute', 'software', 'involves', 'passing', 'instruction', 'computer', 'science', 'application', 'software', 'system', 'software', 'hardware', 'ultimately', 'receives', 'instruction', 'machine', 'code', 'instruction', 'causes', 'computer', 'carry', 'data', 'computing', 'carrying', 'computation', 'altering', 'control', 'flow', 'instructions', 'data', 'movement', 'typically', 'one', 'place', 'memory', 'another', 'sometimes', 'involves', 'moving', 'data', 'memory', 'registers', 'enable', 'data', 'access', 'cpu', 'moving', 'data', 'especially', 'large', 'amounts', 'costly', 'sometimes', 'avoided', 'using', 'pointers', 'data', 'instead', 'computations', 'include', 'simple', 'operations', 'incrementing', 'value', 'variable', 'data', 'element', 'complex', 'computations', 'may', 'involve', 'many', 'operations', 'data', 'elements', 'together', 'section', 'simply', 'long', 'article', 'needs', 'compressed', 'intro', 'moved', 'article', 'instructions', 'may', 'performed', 'sequentially', 'conditionally', 'iteratively', 'sequential', 'instructions', 'operations', 'performed', 'one', 'another', 'conditional', 'instructions', 'performed', 'different', 'sets', 'instructions', 'execute', 'depending', 'value', 'data', 'languages', 'known', 'statement', 'iterative', 'instructions', 'performed', 'repetitively', 'may', 'depend', 'data', 'value', 'sometimes', 'called', 'loop', 'often', 'one', 'instruction', 'may', 'call', 'another', 'set', 'instructions', 'defined', 'program', 'module', 'programming', 'one', 'computer', 'processor', 'used', 'instructions', 'may', 'executed', 'simultaneously', 'simple', 'example', 'way', 'software', 'operates', 'happens', 'user', 'selects', 'entry', 'copy', 'menu', 'case', 'conditional', 'instruction', 'executed', 'copy', 'text', 'data', 'area', 'residing', 'memory', 'perhaps', 'intermediate', 'storage', 'area', 'known', 'data', 'area', 'different', 'menu', 'entry', 'paste', 'chosen', 'software', 'may', 'execute', 'instructions', 'copy', 'text', 'clipboard', 'data', 'area', 'specific', 'location', 'another', 'document', 'memory', 'depending', 'application', 'even', 'example', 'become', 'complicated', 'field', 'software', 'engineering', 'endeavors', 'manage', 'complexity', 'software', 'operates', 'especially', 'true', 'software', 'operates', 'context', 'large', 'powerful', 'computer', 'system', 'currently', 'almost', 'limitations', 'computer', 'software', 'applications', 'ingenuity', 'consequently', 'large', 'areas', 'activities', 'playing', 'grand', 'master', 'level', 'chess', 'formerly', 'assumed', 'incapable', 'software', 'simulation', 'routinely', 'programmed', 'area', 'far', 'proved', 'reasonably', 'secure', 'software', 'simulation', 'realm', 'human', 'especially', 'pleasing', 'music', 'literature', 'citation', 'kinds', 'software', 'operation', 'computer', 'program', 'executable', 'source', 'code', 'script', 'computer', 'programming', 'computer', 'main', 'reliability', 'software', 'quality', 'important', 'especially', 'commercial', 'system', 'software', 'like', 'microsoft', 'office', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'linux', 'software', 'faulty', 'buggy', 'delete', 'person', 'work', 'crash', 'computer', 'unexpected', 'things', 'faults', 'errors', 'called', 'software', 'often', 'discovered', 'alpha', 'beta', 'testing', 'software', 'often', 'also', 'victim', 'known', 'software', 'aging', 'progressive', 'performance', 'degradation', 'resulting', 'combination', 'unseen', 'bugs', 'many', 'bugs', 'discovered', 'eliminated', 'debugged', 'software', 'testing', 'however', 'software', 'testing', 'every', 'bug', 'programmers', 'say', 'every', 'program', 'least', 'one', 'bug', 'lubarsky', 'law', 'ref', 'github', 'cite', 'intelligence', 'book', 'examples', 'waterfall', 'method', 'software', 'development', 'separate', 'testing', 'teams', 'typically', 'employed', 'newer', 'approaches', 'collectively', 'termed', 'agile', 'software', 'development', 'developers', 'often', 'testing', 'demonstrate', 'software', 'regularly', 'obtain', 'feedback', 'software', 'tested', 'unit', 'testing', 'regression', 'testing', 'methods', 'done', 'manually', 'commonly', 'automatically', 'since', 'amount', 'code', 'tested', 'quite', 'large', 'instance', 'nasa', 'extremely', 'rigorous', 'software', 'testing', 'procedures', 'many', 'operating', 'systems', 'communication', 'functions', 'many', 'operations', 'interact', 'identify', 'command', 'programs', 'enables', 'many', 'people', 'work', 'nasa', 'check', 'evaluate', 'functional', 'systems', 'overall', 'programs', 'containing', 'command', 'software', 'enable', 'hardware', 'engineering', 'system', 'operations', 'function', 'much', 'easier', 'together', 'main', 'license', 'software', 'license', 'gives', 'user', 'right', 'software', 'licensed', 'environment', 'case', 'free', 'software', 'licenses', 'also', 'grants', 'rights', 'right', 'make', 'copies', 'proprietary', 'software', 'divided', 'two', 'types', 'freeware', 'includes', 'category', 'free', 'trial', 'software', 'freemium', 'software', 'past', 'term', 'shareware', 'often', 'used', 'free', 'software', 'name', 'suggests', 'freeware', 'used', 'free', 'although', 'case', 'free', 'trials', 'freemium', 'software', 'sometimes', 'true', 'limited', 'period', 'time', 'limited', 'functionality', 'software', 'available', 'fee', 'often', 'inaccurately', 'termed', 'commercial', 'software', 'legally', 'used', 'purchase', 'license', 'open', 'source', 'software', 'hand', 'comes', 'free', 'software', 'license', 'granting', 'recipient', 'rights', 'modify', 'redistribute', 'software', 'main', 'patent', 'debate', 'software', 'patents', 'like', 'types', 'patents', 'theoretically', 'supposed', 'give', 'inventor', 'exclusive', 'license', 'detailed', 'idea', 'algorithm', 'implement', 'piece', 'software', 'component', 'piece', 'software', 'ideas', 'useful', 'things', 'software', 'user', 'requirements', 'supposed', 'patentable', 'concrete', 'implementations', 'actual', 'software', 'packages', 'implementing', 'patent', 'supposed', 'patentable', 'latter', 'already', 'covered', 'copyright', 'generally', 'automatically', 'software', 'patents', 'supposed', 'cover', 'middle', 'area', 'requirements', 'concrete', 'implementation', 'countries', 'requirement', 'claimed', 'invention', 'effect', 'physical', 'world', 'may', 'also', 'part', 'requirements', 'software', 'patent', 'held', 'since', 'useful', 'software', 'effects', 'physical', 'world', 'requirement', 'may', 'open', 'debate', 'software', 'patents', 'controversial', 'software', 'industry', 'many', 'people', 'holding', 'different', 'views', 'one', 'sources', 'controversy', 'aforementioned', 'split', 'initial', 'ideas', 'patent', 'seem', 'honored', 'practice', 'patent', 'example', 'patent', 'programming', 'aop', 'purported', 'claim', 'rights', 'programming', 'tool', 'implementing', 'idea', 'aop', 'howsoever', 'implemented', 'another', 'source', 'controversy', 'effect', 'innovation', 'many', 'distinguished', 'experts', 'companies', 'arguing', 'software', 'field', 'software', 'patents', 'merely', 'create', 'vast', 'additional', 'litigation', 'costs', 'risks', 'actually', 'retard', 'innovation', 'case', 'debates', 'software', 'patents', 'outside', 'united', 'states', 'argument', 'made', 'large', 'american', 'corporations', 'patent', 'lawyers', 'likely', 'primary', 'beneficiaries', 'allowing', 'continue', 'allow', 'software', 'patents', 'design', 'implementation', 'main', 'engineering', 'design', 'implementation', 'software', 'varies', 'depending', 'complexity', 'software', 'instance', 'design', 'creation', 'microsoft', 'word', 'took', 'much', 'time', 'designing', 'developing', 'microsoft', 'notepad', 'latter', 'much', 'basic', 'functionality', 'software', 'usually', 'designed', 'created', 'aka', 'integrated', 'development', 'environments', 'ide', 'like', 'eclipse', 'software', 'intellij', 'microsoft', 'visual', 'studio', 'simplify', 'process', 'software', 'applicable', 'noted', 'different', 'section', 'software', 'usually', 'created', 'top', 'existing', 'software', 'application', 'programming', 'interface', 'api', 'underlying', 'software', 'provides', 'like', 'javabeans', 'swing', 'java', 'libraries', 'apis', 'categorized', 'purpose', 'instance', 'spring', 'framework', 'used', 'implementing', 'enterprise', 'applications', 'windows', 'forms', 'library', 'used', 'designing', 'graphical', 'user', 'interface', 'gui', 'applications', 'like', 'microsoft', 'word', 'windows', 'communication', 'foundation', 'used', 'designing', 'web', 'services', 'program', 'designed', 'relies', 'upon', 'api', 'instance', 'user', 'designing', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'desktop', 'application', 'windows', 'forms', 'library', 'design', 'desktop', 'application', 'call', 'apis', 'like', 'cite', 'web', 'close', 'open', 'application', 'write', 'additional', 'operations', 'needs', 'without', 'apis', 'programmer', 'needs', 'write', 'apis', 'companies', 'like', 'oracle', 'microsoft', 'provide', 'apis', 'many', 'applications', 'written', 'using', 'library', 'computing', 'libraries', 'usually', 'numerous', 'apis', 'data', 'structures', 'hash', 'tables', 'array', 'data', 'binary', 'trees', 'algorithms', 'quicksort', 'useful', 'creating', 'software', 'computer', 'software', 'special', 'economic', 'characteristics', 'make', 'design', 'creation', 'distribution', 'different', 'economic', 'goods', 'characteristics', 'cite', 'engelhardt', 'sebastian', 'economic', 'properties', 'jena', 'economic', 'research', 'cite', 'open', 'source', 'optimum', 'economic', 'paradigm', 'dan', 'person', 'creates', 'software', 'called', 'programmer', 'software', 'engineer', 'software', 'developer', 'terms', 'similar', 'meaning', 'informal', 'terms', 'programmer', 'also', 'exist', 'coder', 'hacker', 'expert', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'although', 'latter', 'word', 'may', 'confusion', 'often', 'used', 'mean', 'hacker', 'computer', 'security', 'illegally', 'breaks', 'computer', 'systems', 'industry', 'organizations', 'main', 'industry', 'great', 'variety', 'software', 'companies', 'programmers', 'world', 'comprise', 'software', 'industry', 'software', 'quite', 'profitable', 'industry', 'bill', 'gates', 'microsoft', 'richest', 'person', 'world', 'largely', 'due', 'ownership', 'significant', 'number', 'shares', 'microsoft', 'company', 'responsible', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'microsoft', 'office', 'software', 'products', 'software', 'organizations', 'include', 'free', 'software', 'foundation', 'gnu', 'project', 'mozilla', 'foundation', 'software', 'standard', 'organizations', 'like', 'ietf', 'develop', 'recommended', 'software', 'standards', 'xml', 'http', 'html', 'software', 'interoperate', 'standards', 'large', 'software', 'companies', 'include', 'oracle', 'novell', 'sap', 'symantec', 'adobe', 'systems', 'corel', 'small', 'companies', 'often', 'provide', 'innovation', 'see', 'also', 'software', 'release', 'life', 'cycle', 'independent', 'software', 'vendor', 'list', 'software', 'software', 'asset', 'management', 'portal', 'technology', 'references', 'reflist', 'external', 'links', 'sister', 'project', 'links', 'software', 'ref', 'github', 'software', 'digital', 'distribution', 'authority', 'control', 'category', 'computing', 'category', 'computer', 'science', 'category']]
# Import Dictionary
from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary

# Create a Dictionary from the articles: dictionary
dictionary = Dictionary(articles)

# Select the id for "computer": computer_id
computer_id = dictionary.token2id.get("computer")

# Use computer_id with the dictionary to print the word

# Create a MmCorpus: corpus
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(article) for article in articles]

# Print the first 10 word ids with their frequency counts from the fifth document
[(1, 1), (13, 1), (15, 1), (18, 1), (26, 1), (29, 1), (37, 1), (38, 4), (47, 2), (48, 7)]

Gensim bag-of-words

Now, you’ll use your new gensim corpus and dictionary to see the most common terms per document and across all documents. You can use your dictionary to look up the terms

from collections import defaultdict
import itertools

# Save the fifth document: doc
doc = corpus[4]

# Sort the doc for frequency: bow_doc
bow_doc = sorted(doc, key=lambda w: w[1], reverse=True)

# Print the top 5 words of the document alongside the count
for word_id, word_count in bow_doc[:5]:
    print(dictionary.get(word_id), word_count)

# Create the defaultdict: total_word_count
total_word_count = defaultdict(int)
for word_id, word_count in itertools.chain.from_iterable(corpus):
    total_word_count[word_id] += word_count

# Create a sorted list from the defaultdict: sorted_word_count
sorted_word_count = sorted(total_word_count.items(), key=lambda w: w[1], reverse=True)

# Print the top 5 words across all documents alongside the count
for word_id, word_count in sorted_word_count[:5]:
    print(dictionary.get(word_id), word_count)
debugging 39
system 19
software 16
tools 14
computer 12
computer 597
software 451
cite 322
ref 259
code 235

Tf-idf with gensim

from gensim.models.tfidfmodel import TfidfModel

# Create a new TfidfModel using the corpus: tfidf
tfidf = TfidfModel(corpus)

# Calculate the tfidf weights of doc: tfidf_weights
tfidf_weights = tfidf[doc]

# Print the first five weights
[(1, 0.012368676656974298), (13, 0.015622064172391845), (15, 0.019603888684849375), (18, 0.012368676656974298), (26, 0.019603888684849375)]
sorted_tfidf_weights = sorted(tfidf_weights, key=lambda w: w[1], reverse=True)

# Print the top 5 weighted words
for term_id, weight in sorted_tfidf_weights[:5]:
    print(dictionary.get(term_id), weight)
wolf 0.22170620999398985
debugging 0.2002051205348696
fence 0.17736496799519189
debugger 0.13605544322671728
squeeze 0.13302372599639392